Bisexual Body Image and Ideals
Body image dissatisfaction, or negative appraisal of one’s body, is a well-researched concept in the literature and is associated with negative outcomes including substance abuse and eating disordered behavior (Bosley, 2011; Brewster et al., 2014; Mereish, O’Cleirigh, & Bradford, 2014; Pinkasavage, Arigo, & Schumacher, 2015).
However, gaps exist in determining the specific processes associated with the body image dissatisfaction of bisexual individuals. Bisexual individuals must navigate body image appearance norms (social expectations for individuals’ bodies) from two cultures: that of the heterosexual culture and that of the gay/lesbian culture, and examining the ease of bisexual individuals in navigating these norms (bicultural self-efficacy).
This study assesses the relationships involved in a proposed moderated mediation model of this relationship, measures to be used, and expected results found from structural equation modeling of participant responses. This project is being conducted by Brooke King and Dani Soltis under the supervision of Nathan Grant Smith.