Kathrine G. McGovern College of the Arts Box Office - University of Houston
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Cancelled: Convergence Research Featuring Markus Cone of the Sci-Fi Pop Collective, Twin Lovers

Thursday, February 27, 2020

5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

This event has been cancelled. The UH campus is closed due to the City of Houston water line break.

Introducing a new platform for interdisciplinary research, experimentation, improvisation, and performance. Students and faculty across the disciplines (and beyond the arts) will meet to discuss and present projects in a state of becoming. Please attend, observe, and join the conversation.

Markus Cone of the Sci-Fi Pop Collective Twin Lovers will discuss the methods used for the production of the self-titled album, Twin Lovers. Released in 2019, the album adopts literary Transrealist devices found in speculative and science fiction.Suspending the narrative of now while observing the present, the album finds verity in the optic and sonic arts, and is loosely based on the Phillip K. Dick’s 1974 novel, Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said.

Blaffer Art Museum
Amanda Powers