
Clinical Psychology

Anxiety Disorder Clinic
University of Houston
126 Heyne Bldg
Houston, TX 77204-5022
Telephone:(713) 743-8609

Specific Phobias


Approximately 10% of the US population will develop a specific phobia sometime in their lives. Phobias are characterized by the excessive fear of a specific object or situation that may lead to severe distress and, in some cases, panic attacks. Among the most common phobias are fears of:

  • Animals such as dogs, snakes, or insects
  • Situations such as flying, small enclosed spaces, or driving
  • Blood, needles, injections, or minor injuries
  • Things in nature, such as storms, water, or heights
  • Other things, including fears of vomiting, doctors, dentists, or choking
  • Individuals with specific phobias recognize that their fear is unreasonable; however, they cannot overcome it. While most people fee anxious or apprehensive about certain objects or situations, individuals with a specific phobia have their daily routines, employment, or social lives disrupted by their fears.


    Fortunately, specific phobias can be treated very effectively with behavioral or cognitive behavioral therapy and, in most cases, individuals receiving treatment are able to completely overcome their phobias. If you believe that you have a Specific Phobia or any other problem with anxiety, and you want help with these difficulties, please contact the Anxiety Disorder Clinic at 713-743-8609 to schedule an assessment.