Administration and Finance Focus

Administration Finance & Focus


Nominations open for members of UH community to serve on Sustainability Task Force

By Richard Zagrzecki

Nominations are being accepted for students, faculty and staff who would like to serve on the University of Houston’s Sustainability Task Force.

Two students, two faculty and two staff positions are open. Those who are interested in serving can go online and fill out a nomination form. People can also nominate others they think would be interested. Terms last two years and meetings are held every other month.

The task force comprises 12 voting members and the remaining six positions will be appointed through Faculty Senate, Staff Council and the SGA. In order to have diverse representation on the new task force, it is preferred that nominees are not affiliated with those three groups.

The task force will be undertaking important work in the coming year, including developing a new sustainability governance structure for the campus.

The vision is to transition the sustainability task force from a small advisory group to an active committee composed of members representing departments and colleges and truly facilitating sustainability collaboration in all areas of campus through curriculum, research, engagement, policy, operations and beyond.

“The task force will be working on a new campus sustainability policy and developing a new committee,” said Sarah Kelly, program manager for the UH Office of Sustainability. “Whoever is on the committee will play a pivotal role in developing sustainability for the future of the institution.”