Administration and Finance Focus

Administration Finance & Focus


Weight Watchers offered to UH community this fall

By Court Stein

A new 12-week series of UH Weight Watchers at Work will begin Oct. 11 and run through Jan. 10. Membership is open to faculty, students and staff.

Those who sign up now for the fall group meetings can take advantage of a special Weight Watchers “Deal Days” promotion. Register anytime between Sept. 3 and Sept. 14 and pay $132.60 for the 12-week series. The regular price is $156. Payment may be made in full by credit card, in three separate checks of $44.20 each, or in one lump sum check.

The program includes weekly onsite gatherings, program materials and access to online digital tools. Meetings are held every Thursday from 12:15 to 1 p.m. in the Campus Recreation and Wellness Center. Meetings are convenient and offer guidance, ongoing support and encouragement.

Faculty, staff and students can attend a meeting for free on Sept. 6 or Sept. 13, where they can ask questions, meet other members and sign up if the program is right for them. They can also register or seek additional details by contacting Wellness Administrator Court Stein at or 713-743-1991.