Provost Search
January 23, 2013
Fellow Cougars,
I am pleased to announce the appointment of the Search Committee for the next Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost. This committee will be co-chaired by Dr. John Lee, Professor and Hugh Roy and Lillie Cranz Cullen Distinguished University Chair, Petroleum Engineering Program, and Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Dr. Richard Walker, and will be assisted by the executive search firm R. William Funk & Associates. My expectation is to have the search committee conclude its work in May.
The Provost Search Committee's role is advisory in nature and is charged with (a) developing a strong and diverse pool of candidates, (b) screening eligible applicants, (c) inviting finalists for campus interviews, and (d) providing its assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of each interviewee. I have asked the Committee to seek your input in completing its task.
Please note that the Search Committee membership consists of representatives from the constituencies whose interests are served by the Provost position, rather than representing the organizational units on campus. Members include deans, chairs, faculty (National Academy members, distinguished professors, professors, associate professors, teachers, researchers), professional programs, students, staff, alumni, administration, and the UH System.
I request that you please help the Committee in creating a strong and diverse pool of candidates by nominating qualified individuals. I have asked the chairs to keep you informed about the process and respectfully request that you meet the candidates when invited for interviews. Your input and guidance will help me in finding a leader who will continue to transform and elevate UH and the UH System.
Thank you for your interest and engagement.
Warm Regards,
Renu Khator