Administration and Finance Focus

Administration Finance & Focus


Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Statistics

UH/UHSA departments with 90% HUB use or higher that spent at least $100 in June 2016

College/Division Department HUB Use Total Expended
Liberal Arts and Social Sciences COMMUNICATION 100.00% 77,442.22
Administration and Finance SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT 100.00% 173,982.26
Administration and Finance INST - PLANT OPERATIONS 100.00% 3,800.00
Architecture ARCHITECTURE 100.00% 1,466.56
Education ED LEADERSHIP & POLICY STUDIES 100.00% 1,398.14
Business Administration BAUER EXTERNAL RELATIONS DEPT 100.00% 318.63
Law Center LAW 100.00% 302.23
Academic Affairs ACAD AFFAIRS FINANCE & ADMIN 100.00% 153.46
Graduate College of Social Work FIELD OFFICE 100.00% 131.71
Academic Affairs ACADEMIC PROGRAMS 99.68% 2,995.16
Law Center LEGAL RESEARCH & WRITING, LAW 98.77% 2,251.67
Administration and Finance FACILITIES MANAGEMENT 95.96% 10,134.29
Administration and Finance ENTERPRISE SYSTEMS 93.81% 107,190.87
Technology DEAN, TECHNOLOGY 90.57% 61,906.35

The above percentages include HUB-eligible voucher and P-Card payments. However, HUB subcontractor payments are not included in the monthly HUB statistics but are included in the semi-annual and annual HUB reports.

HUB reports by college/division and department are posted on the web at:

Please call Maya Thornton at x38269 or Maira Artola at x32931 if you need help finding a HUB vendor.