Richard E. Matland

Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204
Phone: (713) 743-3911 Fax: (713) 743-3927

Hi, this is Rick Matland's webpage. I've set this up so as to provide access to information needed by students for the courses I teach, to provide access to recent research that I've been working on for scholars interested in similar questions, and to prove that I'm not behind the times!

You'll find my CV, course information, copies of recent articles and pre-prints of things that will be coming out soon. In addition, this spring I am organized a workshop at the  at the University of Bergen in Norway on Women's Representation in Eastern Europe.. This site includes information on the workshop, including what papers were published. Additional information on the book we are developing from the conference will appear shortly..

If you have an complaints mail my TA at, if you have any compliments they can be sent to me at the e-mail address above.

Curriculum Vitae


Political Science 1336: U.S. and Texas Politics and Constitutions
Political Science 3390:  Women and Politics

Political Science 6312:  Institutions and Public Policy

Forskarutdanningskurs: Agenda Setting and Public Policy

Forskarutdanningskurs: Research Design and the Use of Experiments in Political Science

Papers and Current Research
Women's Legislative Representation in National Legislatures: A Comparison of Democracies in Developed and Developing Countries  

Gender and Electoral Opportunity Structure in the Canadian Provinces 

Partisanship and the Impact of Candidate Gender in Congressional Elections: Results of an Experiment

The Politics of Age and Race:  Support and Opposition to a School Bond Referendum

Conference and Book Prospectus

Information on International Conference on Women's Representation in Eastern Europe,
Bergen, Norway:  May 28th-29th, 1999

Women's Access to Political Power in Post-Communist Europe

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