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Dr. Fatima Merchant, Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering Technology.
Dr. Ezemenari Obasi, Director of HRI, speaks about ways to manage stress during COVID-19 social dist…
Dr. Michihisa Umetani, Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology and Biochemistry and Center…
HRI, affiliate Dr. Liaw discusses the basics, benefits, and challenges of virtual doctor visits duri…
Former HRI mentee, Daphne Hernandez speaks about what happens when schools close for an extended per…
HRI affiliate, Kamran Alba and Fatima A. Merchant were among the 9 selected from a very large and co…
Dr. Lorraine Reitzel, Co-Director of the HEALTH Research Institute, was featured in Inside Research…
Dr. Reitzel, co-director of HRI, was welcomed into the newest class of fellows for the Society of Re…