University of Houston Molecular Medicine & Experimental Therapeutics: Craft Subgroup

::Lab Overview

With access to the Schwartz laboratory we use an array of state-of-the-art facilities. The laboratory is equipped to perform biophysical studies, molecular biology and chemistry. The lab hosts a Bicore 2000, Q-PCR systems, high fidelity Nikon microscopes, a Bio-Raptor system, and many other pieces of equipment.
With access to the Briggs laboratory we use the University of Houston computational chemistry resources. That includes using molecular dynamics simulations like NAMD, GROMACS, and AMBER. It also includes using docking programs such as Vina-Autodock. UH has in house computational clusters and works with national super-computing facilities as well.
Our research program makes use of the UH Keck/IMD NMR Center which has the first 800 MHz NMR spectrometer installed within Texas. The latest facility enhancement is the installation of a Bruker 5mm TXI CryoProbe for the 800 MHz instrument. This NMR probehead is cooled by cyrogenic helium gas to reduce thermal noise and improve the signal to noise ratio by as much as three times a conventional probe.