Aimee Chin
Ph.D. (Economics), MIT, 2001 |
Contact Information
My research is in the fields of labor and development. Selected papers:"Language Skills and Earnings: Evidence from Childhood Immigrants" (with Hoyt Bleakley, UCSD; Review of Economics and Statistics 86 (May 2004), 481-496) [pre-publication version]
"Long-Run Labor Market Effects of Japanese-American Internment During World War II on Working-Age Male Internees" (Journal of Labor Economics 23 (July 2005), 491-525) [pre-publication version]
"Can Redistributing Teachers Across
Schools Raise Educational Attainment?
Evidence from Operation Blackboard in
"Technical Change and the Demand for Skills during the Second Industrial Revolution: Evidence from the Merchant Marine, 1891-1912" (with Chinhui Juhn, UH and Peter Thompson, Florida International University; Review of Economics and Statistics 88 (August 2006), 572-578) [pre-publication version] [NBER Working Paper No. 10728 is an early version]
"Is Spanish-only Schooling Responsible for the Puerto Rican Language Gap?" (with Joshua Angrist, MIT and Ricardo Godoy, Brandeis University; Journal of Development Economics 85 (February 2008), 105-128) [pre-publication version]
"What Holds Back the Second Generation? The Intergenerational Transmission of Language Human Capital Among Immigrants" (with Hoyt Bleakley, Chicago GSB; Journal of Human Resources 43 (Spring 2008), 267-298) [pre-publication version] [associated appendix] This research was featured in a New York Times column on June 22, 2006.
"Age at Arrival, English Proficiency, and Social Assimilation among U.S. Immigrants" (with Hoyt Bleakley, Chicago Booth; American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 2 (January 2010), 165-192) [pre-publication version] [associated slides]
"Effects of English Proficiency among Childhood Immigrants: Are Hispanics Different?" (with Mevlude Akbulut-Yuksel, Dalhousie University and Hoyt Bleakley, Chicago Booth; chapter in Latinos and the Economy, 2011) [pre-publication version]
"Does Reducing College Costs Improve Educational Outcomes for Undocumented Immigrants? Evidence from State Laws Permitting Undocumented Immigrants to Pay In-state Tuition at State Colleges and Universities" (with Chinhui Juhn, UH; chapter in Latinos and the Economy, 2011) [pre-publication version] This research was featured in a Chronicle of Higher Education article on May 4, 2010.
"The Redistributive Effects of Political Reservation for Minorities: Evidence from India" (with Nishith Prakash, Cornell University; Journal of Development Economics 96 (November 2011), 265-277) [pre-publication version] We have a summary of it on VoxEU. This research was featured in an Economist blog on June 29, 2013.
"The Returns to English-Language Skills in India" (with Mehtabul Azam, World Bank and Nishith Prakash, University of Connecticut; Economic Development and Cultural Change 61 (January 2013), 335-367) [pre-publication version] We have a summary of it on VoxEU. This research was featured in a Business Standard column on August 15, 2011.
"Impact of Bilingual Education Programs on Limited English Proficient Students and Their Peers: Regression Discontinuity Evidence from Texas" (with Meltem Daysal, University of Southern Denmark and Scott Imberman, Michigan State University; Journal of Public Economics 107 (November 2013), 63-78) [pre-publication version] [associated appendix] This research was featured in an Education Week blog on July 2, 2012.
"The Refugee/Asylum Seeker" (with Kalena Cortes, Texas A&M Bush
School; chapter in
Handbook of the
Economics of International Migration, Volume 1A The Immigrants, 2015).
"Impact of Bilingual Education on Student
IZA World of Labor 131
(March 2015), doi:
"Impact of Bank Accounts on Migrant Savings and Remittances: Evidence from a Field Experiment" (with Leonie Karkoviata, University of Houston-Downtown and Nathaniel Wilcox, Chapman University) [current version]
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