About Us


The Pattern Analysis Laboratory provides state-of-the-art techniques for analyzing scientific data. The laboratory evolved in response to the massive amounts of data about our solar system and the entire universe captured by various sensor devices. Processing and analyzing this voluminous data requires algorithms that identify meaningful patterns efficiently. The lab conducts research at the intersection of machine learning, statistics, data mining, physics, and natural sciences.


We have active collaborations with several research groups at the following institutions:

  1. Texas A&M University
  2. Physics Department at the University of Houston
  3. Los Alamos National Laboratory
  4. North Carolina State University
  5. Carnegie Mellon University


Our research laboratory is part of the computer science department at the University of Houston. The laboratory has the following hardware resources:

CACDS Resources:

  1. Opteron cluster
  2. Itanium2 cluster
  3. SGI Altix cluster
  4. ACRL Itanium2 cluster


We are grateful to the following sponsors: