A.D. Bruce Religion Center Hosts UH Day of Remembrance
February 8, 2018
The A.D. Bruce Religion Center is hosting the University of Houston’s annual Day of Remembrance. This day is set aside to honor the students, faculty, staff, and members of the University of Houston community who have passed away in 2017. This year’s ceremony is scheduled for Tuesday, February 27, 2018 from 12 noon to 1 p.m. in the University Chapel. The service is open to the entire community.
This interfaith ceremony is coordinated by the Campus Ministries Association, and features varied liturgy from several campus ministers as well as remarks from Dr. Richard Walker, Vice Chancellor/Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Services.
For more information about the UH Day of Remembrance, please contact Bruce Twenhafel, Manager of the A.D. Bruce Religion Center, at 713-743-5050 or brucet@uh.edu. Information is also available online at www.uh.edu/adbruce.
More about the A.D. Bruce Religion Center: The A.D. Bruce Religion Center is the focal point for many on-campus religious and spiritual activities as well as educational programs with an emphasis on Interfaith Dialogue. The A.D. Bruce Religion Center offers a place for both quiet meditation and spiritual growth. The center provides office space and facilities for eleven charter campus ministries. Several general purpose rooms are also available for worship, study, discussions, and reflection as well as two chapels, one large and one small, available for weekend events. The Chapel is a popular venue for weddings, quinceañeras, baptisms, funerals & memorials, recitals, and lectures.