Executive Chef Brent Gorman took second place in the annual ACE competition that occurred on April 26, 2012 at the University of Central Arkansas. Not only did he bring home a silver medal, he was also the highest scoring silver medalist out of the three regional competitions. Stephen Burns from Baylor University and Juan Estrada from Southern Methodist University took first and third place, respectively.

Chefs from universities around the region were given three hours to prepare both an entr�e and dessert for three guest judges. To make things a little more interesting, the chefs were given a set of mystery ingredients at the start of the competition that they had to incorporate into their dishes. The secret ingredients for this competition were whole duck, pompano fish, dried apricots, cashews, white northern beans, Boursin cheese, beets and baby bok choy.

Winning chef Stephen Burns, along with the winners of the ACE competitions held at the University of Houston and Southern Methodist University, will represent the region at the national competition in Florida in November. As the highest-scoring silver medalist out of the three regional competitions, Chef Gorman will act as the first alternate if any of the chefs are unable to compete.

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