FML policy changes now in effect
We have been reviewing our FML/Parental Leave (FML) practices in HR and are working to improve the timeliness in approving/denying FML applications for our employees. Effective 12/1/2012, we require ALL FML documents (application and certification) to be forwarded directly to Human Resources for processing. The FML application is no longer required to have the supervisor�s and College Business Administrator�s signature. Employees are still required to inform their supervisors/departments of their requested leave as well as submit a leave request form for the time off.

When an employee is interested in going on FML, they need to contact Human Resources (713/743-3988 or stop by the HR Service Center�Room 325 McElhinney) to receive and provide the FML application and physician�s certification. The employee will receive the necessary forms to complete along with detailed instructions on completing, and returning the forms to the HR Service Center for processing.

Within five business days of receiving the application, the employee�s supervisor (as noted on the application), Department Administrator and College Business Administrator will be notified of receipt of the application for FML. Within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of receiving the application in Human Resources, the employee and supervisor will receive an approved or denied response from Human Resources unless not practicable under the circumstances.

Please review the updated policy at (for FML) and (for Parental Leave).

We anticipate seeing significant improvement in the timeliness in responding to your employee�s FML requests.