Administration and Finance Focus


Personnel Changes in UH'S Elevator Shop

After serving the University of Houston for 22 years, Lawrence Theriot, Supervisor of the Elevator Shop in Plant Operations, has announced his retirement effective January 31, 2010. His position has been upgraded to Manager � Elevator. A nation-wide search for Theriot�s replacement is underway and applications are being accepted until January 30th, 2010.

In the interim, Jerry Wilson, Lead Elevator Technician, will continue to oversee day to day operations of the Elevator Shop. Wilson�s responsibilities will include scheduling of shop personnel for maintenance and repair of UH elevators, ordering materials needed to sustain elevator operations, and attending meetings on behalf of the elevator shop. Don Martin, EMECS manager, will also continue to assist Wilson as needed during this interim period.

Please join us in extending our congratulations and well wishes to Theriot.

If you have any questions about elevator shop, shop�s on-going projects, or services provided, please contact Jerry Wilson (Ext. 3-5605), Don Martin (Ext. 3-0720), or Sameer Kapileshwari, Director of Utility Services, Energy & Technical Systems (Ext. 3-5797).