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Host plants of the seed-feeding beetle Stator limbatus in central Arizona, USA



Stillwell, R. C., A. Daws and G. Davidowitz. The ontogeny of sexual size dimorphism of a moth: When do males and females grow apart? In review.

Stillwell, R. C., I. Dworkin, A. W. Shingleton and W. A. Frankino. Experimental manipulation of body size to estimate morphological scaling relationships in Drosophila. In press for Journal of Visualized Experiments.

Amarillo-Suárez, A. R., R. C. Stillwell and C. W. Fox. Natural selection on body size is mediated by multiple interacting factors: A comparison of beetle populations varying naturally and experimentally in body size. In press for Ecology and Evolution. PDF

Fox, C. W., R. C. Stillwell, W. G. Wallin, C. L. Curtis and D. H. Reed. 2011. Inbreeding-environment interactions for fitness: Complex relationships between inbreeding depression and temperature stress in a seed-feeding beetle. Evolutionary Ecology 25:25-43. PDF

Stillwell, R. C. and G. Davidowitz. 2010. Sex differences in phenotypic plasticity of a mechanism that controls body size: Implications for sexual size dimorphism. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B 277:3819-3826. PDF

Stillwell, R. C. 2010. Are latitudinal clines in body size adaptive? Oikos 119:1387-1390. PDF

Stillwell, R. C. and G. Davidowitz. 2010. A developmental perspective on the evolution of sexual size dimorphism of a moth. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B 277:2069-2074. PDF

Stillwell, R. C., W. U. Blanckenhorn, T. Teder, G. Davidowitz and C. W. Fox. 2010. Sex differences in phenotypic plasticity affect variation in sexual size dimorphism in insects: From physiology to evolution. Annual Review of Entomology 55:227-245. PDF

Stillwell, R. C. and C. W. Fox. 2009. Geographic variation in body size, sexual size dimorphism and fitness components of a seed beetle: Local adaptation vs. phenotypic plasticity. Oikos 118:703-712. PDF

Fox, C. W. and R. C. Stillwell. 2009. Inbreeding load for adult lifespan varies among environments in the seed-feeding beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus. Heredity 103:62-72. PDF

Stillwell, R. C., J. Moya-Laraño and C. W. Fox. 2008. Selection does not favor large body size at lower temperature in a seed-feeding beetle. Evolution 62:2534-2544. PDF

Stillwell, R. C., G. E. Morse and C. W. Fox. 2007. Geographic variation in body size and sexual size dimorphism of a seed-feeding beetle. The American Naturalist 170:358-369. PDF

Stillwell, R. C., W. G. Wallin, L. J. Hitchcock and C. W. Fox. 2007. Phenotypic plasticity in a complex world: Interactive effects of food and temperature on fitness components of a seed beetle. Oecologia 153:309-321. PDF

Stillwell, R. C. and C. W. Fox. 2007. Environmental effects on sexual size dimorphism of a seed-feeding beetle. Oecologia 153:273-280. PDF

Blanckenhorn, W. U., R. C. Stillwell, K. A. Young, C. W. Fox and K. G. Ashton. 2006. When Rensch meets Bergmann: Does sexual size dimorphism change systematically with latitude? Evolution 60:2004-2011. PDF

Fox, C. W., R. C. Stillwell, W. G. Wallin and L. J. Hitchcock. 2006. Temperature and host species affect nuptial gift size in a seed-feeding beetle. Functional Ecology 20:1003-1011. PDF

Fox, C. W., K. L. Scheibly, W. G. Wallin, L. J. Hitchcock, R. C. Stillwell and Benjamin P. Smith. 2006. The genetic architecture of lifespan and mortality rates: Gender and species differences in inbreeding load of two seed-feeding beetles. Genetics 174:763-773. PDF

Stillwell, R. C. and C. W. Fox. 2005. Complex patterns of phenotypic plasticity: Interactive effects of temperature during rearing and oviposition. Ecology 86:924-934. PDF

Fox, C. W., R. C. Stillwell, A. R. Amarillo-Suarez, M. E. Czesak and F. J. Messina. 2004. Genetic architecture of population differences in oviposition behavior of the seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 17:1141-1151. PDF


Book Chapters

Fox, C. W., R. C. Stillwell and J. Moya-Laraño. 2007. Variation in selection and the evolution of sexual size dimorphism in two seed-feeding beetles. In D. F. Fairbairn, W. U. Blanckenhorn and T. Szekely (eds.) Sex, size and gender roles: Evolutionary studies of sexual size dimorphism.


Articles that feature our research

Science Daily, “Why female moths are big and beautiful” by Daniel Stolte, March 11, 2010.

This article featuring our study on sexual dimorphism in moths (Stillwell and Davidowitz 2010)
was cited in over 10,000 science websites and blogs including NSF’s Science360