
Business Community

The success of the UH Learning through Discovery Initiative (FAQs) depends on partnerships with the Houston community and beyond.  The business community – from small businesses to large corporations – can help prepare our graduates to meet the challenges of the global marketplace.  We hope to engage our region’s many assets including the Texas Medical Center, NASA Johnson Space Center and its contractors, the renowned arts and culture district, companies from the energy industry and other sectors etc.   

Research internships and real-world team projects will provide students opportunities to enhance their learning by challenging them to think critically, creatively, and ethically; to explore topics that interest them; to manage projects, to work collaboratively, and to communicate to diverse audiences.  

An investment in UH students provides you an opportunity to play an active role in the training our local workforce.  Over 75 % of UH students remain in the Houston area after graduation.
We need your help to connect UH students to your world.  Please review the opportunities for the business community and contact to let us know how you would like to become involved.