HRD 6303




According to the Joint Committee for Educational Evaluation, evaluation is "the systematic investigation of the worth or merit of an object." In this course our object will be a training program or educational endeavor. The course is project based; in completing it, you will design a basic program evaluation of a workshop or class. General topic areas include evaluation models, evaluation planning, measurement constructions, and return on investment.





Team members and topics will be posted to the Group Information page. There were some students without an assigned group so I randomly made an assignment. Please check the list and let me know if any corrections are needed.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Last revision: May 01, 2012

Course Information and Resources

Specific information regarding the approach, assignments, and resources can be found using the following links.


Course Information



This section presents a description of course assignments, objectives, prerequisites, texts, and references to the textual materials.


Web CT will be used for e-mail, submitting assignments, important notices, grade information, and general discussion.

Group Information

Check your group composition and topics.


Be aware of assignment deadlines and other important dates.



Course Resources


Internet Information

Find links to information regarding search engines, library resources on the web, web page design, etc.

Links to Web Resources

There are many Internet resources that relate to the course content.

Reference List

Find a bibliography of sources that may be useful in the preparation of your materials.


Please complete the class survey at any time; this form is not confidential and is sent to assist in course planning and development. In addition, the university will request completion a confidential evaluation form at semester end. Thank you.

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