Paul R. Gregory
Department of Economics, University of Houston, Houston, Texas 77204-5882
Ph.: (713) 743-3828
FAX: (713) 743-3798
Ph.D., Harvard University, 1969, Economics
Graduate Study in Economics, Free University of Berlin, 1964-65
M.A., University of Oklahoma, 1964, Russian
B.A., University of Oklahoma, 1963, Economics
1993-present Cullen Professor of Economics, University of
Baker Hughes Professor of Economics and Finance, University of Houston
Professor of Economics (1975-present), University of Houston
Associate Professor of Economics (1972-75), University of Houston
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Oklahoma
Teaching Assistant, Harvard University
Staff, Harvard University Russian Research Center
Phi Beta Kappa, Omicron Delta Epsilon, Omicron Delta Kappa, Woodrow
Wilson National Fellowship, Fulbright Fellowship, NDFL Fellowship, NDEA
Fellowship, Foreign Area Fellowship, Free University of Berlin Award, Bass
Memorial Fellowship, Volkswagen Senior Fellow for Advanced Soviet and East
European Studies.
Principal Investigator, Ford-Rockefeller Grant in Population Research,
Principal Investigator, National Institute of Education Grant, 1973-75.
Principal Investigator, Manpower Administration Grant, 1974, 1976-77,
Principal Investigator, PHS-Center for Population Research Grant, 1975-76.
Principal Investigator, NSF Grants in Economics, 1978-81, 1988-90,1991-93,
Principal Investigator, Economic Bureaucracy Project, Soviet Interview
Project, 1979 to 1988.
Principal Investigator, National Council for Soviet and East European
Research, 1978-79, 1981-82 1992.
Principal Investigator, Transcoop Grant with DIW Berlin, 1995-1997.
Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Economics, University of
Houston, 1974-77.
Chairman, Department of Economics, University of Houston, 1982-85.
Coordinator, Economics Special Projects, Soviet Interview Project,
Project Coordinator, Russian Petroleum Leigslation Project, UH Law
Center, 1991-1993.
Visiting Scholar, Humboldt Fellow, Institute fuer Osteuropaische Geschichte,
University of Tubingen, Summer 1975-1977.
International Volkswagen Fellow, Bundesinstitut fur internationale-
und ostwissenschaftliche Studien, Cologne, Spring/Summer, 1987.
Visiting Fellow, Population, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii,
Spring/Summer 1980.
Visiting Professor, Economic History, Moscow State University,
November/December, 1996.
Advisor to Ministry of Economics of Ukraine, November 1998-January
Visiting Professor of Economics, Europe-University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder,
Summer semester, 1999.
Visiting Fellow, Deutsches Institut fuer Wirtschaftsforschung-
Berlin, Summer, 1999.
Comparative Economic Studies
Slavic Review
Journal of Comparative Economics
Problems of Post-Communism.
Explorations in Economic History
Russian - fluent
German - fluent
Paul Gregory, Socialist and Non-Socialist Industrialization Patterns
(New York: Praeger, 1970).
Paul Gregory and Robert Stuart, Soviet and Post Soviet Economic
Structure and Performance 6th edition (Reading, Mass.: Addison Wesley,
1997). First edition 1972.
Paul Gregory and Robert Stuart, Comparative Economic Systems 6th
edition (Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1997). First edition 1974.
Paul Gregory, Russian National Income, 1885-1913 (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1983).
Roy Ruffin and Paul Gregory, Principles of Economics 6th (Reading:
Addison Wesley, 1997). First edition 1982.
Paul Gregory, Restructuring The Soviet Economic Bureaucracy (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1990).
Paul Gregory, Before Command: The Russian Economy From Emancipation
to Stalin (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994).
Robert Stuart and Paul Gregory, The Russian Economy (New York: Harper
Collins, 1995).
Paul Gregory, Essentials of Economics 3rd (Reading: Addison Wesley,
JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS BY FIELD (in chronological order)
Paul Gregory, "Economic Growth, U.S. Defense Expenditures and the
Soviet Defense Budget: A Suggested Model," Soviet Studies (January, 1974).
Paul Gregory, Bruce Fielitz, and Thomas Curtis, "The New Soviet
Investment Allocation Rules: A Guide to Rational Investment Planning?"
Southern Economic Journal (January, 1974).
Paul Gregory, "A Reply to Franz Walter," Soviet Studies (October,
Robert C. Stuart and Paul R. Gregory, "A Model of Soviet Rural-Urban Migration,"
Economic Development and Cultural Change (October, 1977).
Paul R. Gregory, "Economic Growth and Structural Change in Czarist
Russian and the Soviet Union," Steven Rosefield (ed.), Economic Welfare
and the Economics of Soviet Socialism (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1981).
Paul Gregory, "Productivity, Slack, and Time Theft in the Soviet
Economy: Evidence from the Soviet Interview Project," in J. Millar (ed.),
Politics, Work, and Daily Life in the Soviet Union, (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1987).
Paul Gregory and Janet Kohlhase, "Earning Differentials in the Soviet
Union: Evidence From the Soviet Interview Project," Review of Economics
and Statistics (August 1988).
Paul Gregory and Irwin Collier, "Unemployment in the Soviet Union:
Evidence from the Soviet Interview Project," American Economic Review (September
Paul R. Gregory, "Soviet Bureaucratic Behavior," Soviet Studies
(October 1989).
Paul R. Gregory, "Soviet National Income, 1913-1928," in R.W. Davies
(ed.), The Soviet Economy: From NEP to Five Year Plan (London: MacMillan,
Paul Gregory, "The Stalinist Command Model," Annals of the American
Academy of Political and Social Sciences, Vol. 507, January 1990, pp. 18-26.
Paul R. Gregory and Barbara Dietz, "Soviet Perceptions of Economic
Conditions During the Stagnation Period: Evidence From Two Diverse Surveys,"
Soviet Studies, Vol. 43, no. 3, 1991.
Paul R. Gregory, "The Impact of Perestroika on the Soviet Planned
Economy: Results of a Survey of Moscow Economic Officials," Soviet Studies,
Paul R. Gregory, "Bureaucrats, Managers, and Perestroika," The Soviet
Economy Under Gorbachev (NATO: Brussels, 1992).
Paul R. Gregory, "The Communist Party and the Economic Bureaucracy
in the Soviet Union," in James Millar (ed.), Cracks in the Monolith: Party
Power in the Brezhnev Era (New York: Share, 1992).
M. Mokhtari and Paul Gregory, "Backward Bends, Quantity Constraints,
and Soviet Labor Supply: Evidence from the Soviet Interview Project," International
Economic Review, 34, 1, February 1993.
James Millar, Paul Gregory, et. al., "An Evaluation of the CIA's
Analysis of Soviet Economic Performance, 1970-90," Comparative Economic
Studies, Vol. 35, No. 2 (Summer 1993).
Paul Gregory, "Money and Banking," The Cambridge Encyclopedia of
Russia and the Former Soviet Union (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
Paul Gregory, N. Asgary, and M. Mokhtari, "Money Demand and Quantity
Constraints: Evidence from Soviet Interview Project," Economic Inquiry
(April 1997)
Paul R. Gregory, "Soviet Bureaucracy and Economic Reform," in William
S. Kern (ed.), From Socialism to Market Economy: The Transition Problem
(Kalamazoo, Michigan: Upjohn Institute, 1992).
J. Ivancevich, R. DeFrank and P. Gregory, "The Soviet Enterprise
Director," Academy of Management Executive, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1992.
Paul R. Gregory, "Creating a Legislative Framework for a Market
in Energy Resources," Houston Journal of International Law, Spring 1993.
Paul R. Gregory, "Unemployment and Search in Emerging Capitalist
Economies," Department of Labor, Economic Statistics for Economies in Transition,
Washington, D.C., 1993.
Paul Gregory, "Sketches of New Russians," Problems of Post Communism,
Sept/October 1996.
Paul Gregory, M. Mokhtari and W. Schrettl, "Do Russians Really Save
That Much? Evidence from RLMS," Review of Economics and Statistics, in
press, 2000.
Paul Gregory, "Has Russia’s Transition Been a Failure?" Problems
of Post-Communism (November/December 1997).
Paul Gregory, "Macroeconomic Policy, Structural Factors, and Poverty:
the Russian and Ukrainian Transitions," Workshop on Knowledge Networking
for Poverty Reduction, United Nations Development Programme, New York,
Sept. 11-12, 1997.
Paul Gregory, "Transition Economies: Social Consequences of Transition,
United Nations Development Programme, January, 1998.
Paul Gregory, "Some Empirical Comments on the Theory of Relative
Backwardness: The Case of Russia," Economic Development and Cultural Change
(May, 1974).
Paul Gregory, "A Note on Relative Backwardness and Industrial Structure,"
Quarterly Journal of Economics (August, 1974).
Paul Gregory and James Griffin, "Secular and Cross Section Industrialization
Patterns Controversy," Review of Economics and Statistics (August, 1974).
Paul Gregory, "Economic Development and Structural Change in Tsarist
Russia: A Case of Modern Economic Growth?" Soviet Studies, January 1972.
Reprinted in German Translation in D. Geyer (ed.) Wirtschaft and Gesellschaft
in Vorrevolutionaren Russland (1975).
Paul R. Gregory, "Russian National Income in 1913 - Some Insights
Into Russian Economic Development," Quarterly Journal of Economics (August,
Paul R. Gregory, "Russian Industrialization: A Survey of the Western
Literature," Jahrbucher fur die Geschichte Osteuropas (December, 1976).
Paul R. Gregory and Joel Sailors, "Russian Monetary Policy and Industrialization,"
Journal of Economic History (December, 1976).
Paul R. Gregory, "The Russian Industrialization Experience: Some
Observations on Savings, Absorptive Capacity and Balance of Payments,"
Soviet Union, Vol. 4, (1977).
Paul R. Gregory, "The Russian Balance of Payments, The Gold Standard
and Monetary Policy: A Historical Example of Foreign Capital Movements,"
Journal of Economic History (June 1979).
Paul R. Gregory, "Russian Living Standard During the Industrialization
Era," Review of Income and Wealth, 1980.
Paul R. Gregory, "Grain Marketings and Peasant Consumption," Explorations
in Economic History, 17, 1980.
Paul R. Gregory, Badi Baltagi, and Joel Sailors, "How the Gold Standard
Worked 1880-1914. Intercountry and Intertemporal Evidence," NBER Conference:
A Retrospective on the Classical Gold Standard, March 18-21.
Paul R. Gregory, "The Soviet Agrarian Crisis Revisited," in Robert
Stuart (ed.), Soviet Rural Economy, 1984.
Paul R. Gregory, "The Role of the State in Promoting Economic
Development: The Russian Case and its General Implications," in R.
Sylla and G. Toniolo (eds), Patterns of European Industrialization: the
Nineteenth Century (London: Routledge, 1991).
Paul R. Gregory, "Rents, Land Prices, and Economic Theory," in L.
Edmundson (ed.), Essays on Russian Economic History in Honor of Olga Crisp
(London: MacMillan, 1990).
Paul R. Gregory and M. Mokhtari, "Grain Collections and Collectivization,"
Explorations in Economic History, Vol. 30, 1992.
John Antel and Paul Gregory, "Grain Marketings and the Terms of
Trade," Economic Development and Cultural Change, 1993.
Paul Gregory, "Russia and Europe: Lessons from the Pre-Command Era,"
in R. Tilly and P. Welfens (eds), European Economic Integration as
a Challenge to Industry and Government (Berlin: Springer, 1996).
Paul Gregory and Joel Sailors, "Russia During the Great Depression,"
in Theo Balderston (ed.), World Economy and National Economies in the Interwar
Slump (London: MacMIllan, 2000 forthcoming).
Paul Gregory, "Normal Comparisons of Industrial Structures in East
and West Germany," Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Band 104 (1970).
Paul Gregory, "Cross Section Comparisons of the Structure of GNP
by Sector of Origin: Socialist and Western Countries," Kyklos, Vol. XXIV
Robert Stuart and Paul Gregory, "The Structural Convergence of Economic
Systems," Yearbook of East European Economics, Band 2 (1971).
Paul Gregory, "A Model of Socialist Industrial Wage Differentials,"
Quarterly Journal of Economics (February, 1973).
Paul Gregory, "Some Indirect Estimates of Eastern European Capital
Stocks and Factor Productivity," Soviet Studies (January, 1975).
Paul R. Gregory and Gert Leptin, "Similar Societies Under Differing
Economic Systems: The Case of Two Germanys," Soviet Studies, 29 (October
1977). Reprinted in Morris Bornstein (ed), Comparative Economic Systems
4th ed. (Irwin 1978).
Paul Gregory, John Campbell, and Benjamin Cheng, "A Cost-Inclusive
Simultaneous Equation Model of Birth Rates," Econometrica, Vol. 40, No.
4 (1972).
Paul Gregory, John Campbell, and Benjamin Cheng, "A Simultaneous
Equation Model of Birth Rates in the United States," Review of Economics
and Statistics (November, 1972).
Paul Gregory, John Campbell, and Benjamin Cheng, "Differences in
Fertility Determinants: Developed and Developing Countries," The Journal
of Development Studies, Vol. 9, No. 2 (January, 1973).
Paul Gregory and John Campbell, "A Model of Fertility Interactions,"
in M. Keeley (ed.), Fertility and Economic Development (New York:
Praeger, 1975).
Paul Gregory and John M. Campbell, "Fertility Interactions and Modernization
Turning Points: A Contribution to the Economic Theory of Fertility," Journal
of Political Economy (August, 1976).
Paul R. Gregory and R. William Thomas, "The Micro-Economic Foundations
of Generational Crowding," American Statistical Association Proceedings,
Paul R. Gregory, "A Model of Fertility and Labor Force Behavior
in the USSR and Eastern Europe," Review of Economics and Statistics, 1982.
Paul Gregory, "Soviet Theories of Fertility," Journal of Comparative
Economics, Spring, 1983.
Paul Gregory and M. Mokhtari, "Fertility and the Household Economy:
Evidence from the Russian Longitudinal Survey," in J. Fleishhacker
and R. Muenz (eds.), Gesellschaft und Bevoelkerung in Mittel- und Osteuropa
im Umbruch (Berlin:DGBw, 1997).
James Griffin and Paul Gregory, "An Intercountry Translog Model
of Energy Substitution Response," American Economic Review (December, 1976).
Paul R. Gregory, "Comment: Energy Price Increases and the Productivity
Slowdown in United States Manufacturing," The Decline in Productivity Growth,
(Boston: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, 1980).
Paul Gregory, "The Legal Regime," in Emirate Center for Strategic
Studies and Research, Thr Caspian Energy Resource: Implications for the
Arab Gulf (Abu Dahbi: ECSSE, 1999).
Problems of Economic Transition in the Soviet Union, University of Houston,
Houston, Texas, December 1989 (in conjunction with USSR Academy of Sciences,
Institute of Economics, Moscow).
Problems of Economic Transition, Part II, Tbilisi, Georgia, October 1990
(in conjunction with the Institute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences,
Moscow and Georgia branches).
The Lessons of Capitalism: Seminar series of five lecturers from the University
of Houston, sponsored in conjunction with the USSR Academy of Sciences,
the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Literaturnaya Gazeta, the Academy for
the National Economy. Seminars held in Moscow and Riga in March of 1990.
The Legislative Framework of Soviet Reform: Conference sponsored by the
Law Foundation the Center for Public Policy of the University of Houston
with five speakers from the Soviet Union. December 1990. Four Seasons Hotel,
Houston, Texas.
Russian Petroleum Legislation: A Forum for Discussion, November 10, 1992,
Westin Oaks Hotel, Houston, Texas. This conference brought 15 Russian legislators
and legal drafting experts to Houston to discuss impending Russian petroleum
A Management Training Program for Russia: This was a management training
program conducted by the College of Business Administration of the University
of Houston in May of 1989, 1990, and 1991 sponsored by the Cullen Foundation
in Moscow and Leningrad.
Energy in the Former Soviet Union: Industrial Structure, Demonopolization,
and Financing, Oxford University, March 20-21, 1998.
"Gosplan v perekhodnom periode," presented at the State Planning Commission
of the USSR, May 1989.
"Investitsionny rynok v perekhodnom periode," presented at the State Committee
for Science and Technology, March 1990.
"Rynok finansovogo kapitala v SSHA i problemy finansirovaniya sovetskikh
investitsii," presented at conference "Ekonomika i stroitelstvo," Moscow,
May 1990, published in Ekonimika stroitelstva, December 1990.
"Metody istoricheskogo analiza," Conference on Historical Analysis, USSR
academy of Sciences, Institute of History, Moscow, April 3, 1991.
"Rynok truda v perekhodnom periode," presented at the State Committee for
Labor, Moscow, May 1991.
"Sravnitelny analiz v ekonomicheskom issledovanii," Moscow State University,
December 1997.
Paul Gregory and G. Zoteev, Ekonomicheski rost: sravnitelny analiz
lhozaistvennykh sistem (Rossii - SSSR), Kommunist, 1991.
Paul Gregory, "Programma s obtratnym deistviem," Literaturnaya gazeta,
June 26, 1990.
Paul Gregory, "Vstrechi na vtorom etazhe," Literaturnaya Gazeta,
May 23, 1990.
Paul Gregory, Biurokratiia i perestroika," Institute of Economics,
USSR, Problemy perekhoda k reguliruemomu rynku v SSSR (Moscow: Academy
of Sciences of USSR, 1990).
Paul Gregory, "Byla Rossiskaia reforma tak neudachna?" Voprosy ekonomiki,
Paul Gregory, Natsional’ny dokhod Rossii (Moscow: Rosspen, forthcoming
Paul R. Gregory, "The Institutional Background of Reform: The Soviet Economic
Bureaucracy," BIOST Working Paper, Cologne, 1989.
"Soviet Science and Technology," Foreign Applied Sciences Assessment Center,
October 15, 1985 (Robert Campbell, H.D. Balzer, J. Berliner, R. Dobson,
and P. Gregory).
Member of Committee of House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence,
U.S. Congress, "An Evaluation of the CIA's Analysis of Soviet Economic
Performance," Washington, D.C., November 18, 1991 (James Millar, Daniel
Berkowitz, Joseph Berliner, Paul Gregory, Susan Linz).
Report of the University of Houston Law Center Russian Petroleum Legislation
Project, December 31, 1992 (Paul Gregory, J. Weaver, G. Conine, W. P. Streng,
and P. Godley).
Paul Gregory, "Battling Scenarios: A More Optimistic View," presented at
Conference on the Prospects for the Russian Economy, 1997-2000, U.S. Department
of State and CIA, June 25-26, 1997, Arlington, Virginia.
Paul Gregory, "The Russian Oil and Gas Industry in Transition," University
of Houston CBA Energy Institute Working Paper, June 1997.
Member Editorial Board, Regional Bureau for Europe and CIS, Poverty in
Transition (New York: United Nations Development Programme, 1998).
High-Level Decision Making in the Soviet Administrative Planned Economy:
Evidence from Soviet State and Party Archives, funded by the National
Science Foundation. Working Papers:
Valery Lazarev and Paul Gregory, "Dictators and Cars."
Paul Gregory, "Planners Preferences: Evidence from the Soviet Archives."
Alex Tikhonov and Paul Gregory, "Creating the Soviet Financial System."
Eugenia Belova and Paul Gregory, "Gosplan Versus the Ministries."
Income Distribution in Eastern Germany and in Russia (with Gert Wagner
and Hans-Juergen Wagener).
Cascading Capital Investment Models for Russia (with Wolfram Schrettl and
M. Mokhtari).