John Charles Butler


Professor, Geosciences, Associate Dean, Natural Sciences  and

            Mathematics, University of Houston

            Born, October 31, 1941, Port Clinton, Ohio

First Employed by UH: August, 1968

            Married (Susan Durham)


Activities that are underlined are judged pertinent to distributed education activities.   Since about 1995 my teaching, service, and research activities are inseparable as evidenced in the following.


Academic Background


Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio   1965-1968 Ph.D. Mineralogy

Miami University, Oxford, Ohio                1963-1965 M.S. Geology

Miami University, Oxford, Ohio                1959-1963 B.A. Geology


Academic Honors and Awards


            R. Simpson Fellowship, Miami University, 1961

            Mobil Oil Company Scholarship, Miami University, 1963

            Tarr Award, Sigma Gamma Epsilon, Miami University, 1963

            National Defense Education Act Fellow (NDEA) - 1963-66

Administrative Experience, University of Houston

            Chair, Department of Geology                 1975 – 1985

            Associate Dean                                             1985 – 1988

            Acting Dean                                                  1989

            Dean                                                               1989 – 1991

            Associate Dean                                             1991 – Present


Teaching, Research and Applicable Internal Experiences


University of Houston, Assistant Professor, Geology, 1968

University of Houston, Research Initiation Grant, 1969

University of Houston, Geology, Associate Professor, 1971

Recipient, Outstanding Teaching Award, University of Houston, 1976-77 (5 given)

Professor, University of Houston, Geosciences, 1977

Member, President’s Structure Committee - defined positions and roles of Provost and Associate Provosts, 1978

Task Force on Retention, member, 1988

Assistant to the Director, “Bush Thank You Party”, Economic Summit, 1990

Member, Graduate and Professional Studies Council – GPSC, 1991-97

Helped define Registration and Records Data - RARDAT: a set of extraction programs for providing access to raw student demographic and academic data, 1991-present.

Formed EATS (Enhancing Access To Student data - an informal group of UH data users that meets once a semester)

Chair, Task Force on Transfer Admissions, reporting to the Office of the Senior Vice President and Undergraduate Council - 1992-1993

Chair, Task Force on Graduate Policies, reporting to the Office of the Senior Vice President and Graduate and Professional Council - 1993-94

Acting Director of Dept. of Life Sciences (Biology and Biochemistry) - 1993-94

Member, Texas Center for University School Partnerships, Directors (TCUSP), Associate Director for Science, 1992-94

UH Moles Formed - Cross Campus loose organization of faculty and staff interested in using the Internet in teaching, meets twice a semester, 1994-present      

Provost’s (H.Trueba) Representative To Local Community Colleges (sponsored two UH meetings with faculty from UH and community colleges), 1993-95

Director, Special Projects, for the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Services. 1995 to 1998

Chair, Task Force A - Academic Affairs, UH System Reorganization, 1995-96

Chair, Advisory Search Committee for Director, Enrollment Management Services, 1995

Chair, Advisory Search Committee for Director, Residential Life, 1996

Member, Committee Chair, Enhancing the UH Web, 1996-97

Member, Task Force on the Core Curriculum, 1996

Member, Task Force on Technology Charter School, 1996

Member, Council on Institutional Effectiveness, 1996-99

Member,  Faculty Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Garrison Gym Renovations, 1996

Member, Ad Hoc Faculty Database Committee, Judith Walker de Felix, 1996

Chair, Task Force on Doctoral Studies, GPSC, 1996-97

Chair, Task Force on Counseling and Testing, 1997

Chair, Task Force on the Internet - Student Affairs and Services, 1997

Editor, UH-Camel Listserv (Creating and Maintaining Environments for Learning, 1997 to present

Member, Provost’s Committee on Teaching, Executive Committee, 1997-98

Member, Task Force on Part-time Faculty, 1998

Member, President’s Task Force on Work Load, 1998

Chair, Search Committee for the Robert E. and Margaret Sheriff Chair in Geophysics, 1998

Member, Facilities Use Committee, 1998

Member, ACE - Academic Computing Enhancement Committee, May, 1998-1999

Chair, UH Committee on Classrooms, 1998-current

Member, UH Friendly Committee 2000

DLESE - Digital Library for Earth System Education - Chair, Academic Recognition Task Force, Member, Collections Committee : sponsored by the National Science Foundation and other funding organizations.


Applicable Experience - External


Mobil Oil Company, Oklahoma City, summer  geologist, 1963

Miami University, Graduate Associate, Geology, 1966-67

Miami University, Instructor, Geology, 1967-68

Sponsored Participant (NASA) in Summer Faculty Research Program, JSC, Houston, Texas, 1970

Sponsored Participant (NSF) in Current Statistical Methods in Geology, University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, 1972

Administrator, Exploration Geology for Geoscientists, UH Geology Foundation, 1978-1985 (2 week short course)

Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, accreditation visits to Georgia State (March, 1998), U. North Carolina (1996), U. South Florida (1994)

Member, American Geological Institute, Committee on Communications and Publications, 1998-2001

Member, Student Liaison Committee, Society of Exploration Geophysicists,



Professional Societies and Organizations


            American Mineralogist; 1965-1989

International Association of Mathematical Geology; 1973-present

            Society of Economic Mineralogists and Paleontologists; 1974-1985

            Membership Committee IAMG; 1977-1983

            Chairman, Computer Technology Research Group, SEPM; 1977-78

            Chairman, Microcomputer Users Group, IAMG,;1985-1988

            Member, AAPG, Computer Education Committee; 1986-1991

            Editor, Directory of Mathematical Geologists for the    IAMG; 1987

Associate Editor for Internet Resources, Computers&Geosciences, 1994-

            Houston Philosophical Society; 1997-present

            Geological Society of America, 1968-1976; 1997-present

            Society of Exploration Geophysicists; 1997-present

            Houston Geological Society, 1976-85; 1997-present

Member, American Geological Institute (AGI) Initiative to explore potential of Internet to provide continuing education opportunities for the petroleum industry. 1998- present

            Member, AGI Publishing Committee; 1999 - 2001

            Fellow, Geological Society of America – 2000 (elected)

Member, Digital Library for Earth Science Education (DLESE), Collections Committee - Chair, Academic Recognition Task Force. - 2000 - current


Grants and Contracts


Co-Investigator (with E.A. King) Lunar Sample Analysis - NASA

      $350,000, 1970-76

Co-Investigator (with E.A. King) Analysis of Simulated Martian  Samples -NASA, $31,000, 1974

            Investigator - Effects of Closure - NASA, $5,000, 1976 

Statistical Analysis of Closed Systems (SACS) - with A. Woronow : Effects of Closure on the Interpretation of Percentage Data  Supported by seven companies, $10,000, (1985-88)

Investigator - Developing Tools For Analysis of UH Retention Data - Cullen Family Foundation Grant -1994-95 and 1996-97 ($5,500 each year)

Co-Investigator - Support For The Scholars Enrichment Program (SEP), Cullen Family Foundation Grant - 1994-95 and 1996-97 ($95,000 and $140,000)

Co-Investigator - Cross-College Consortium Teaching with Technology, Provost’s Interdisciplinary Program - UH, funded, 1996-97, $50,000

      Involved faculty from EDUC, CBA, HFAC and NSM

PI - Development of a course for FTIC's - PFID, funded 1997-98, $4,000

PI - Development of a Geophysics on the Internet Home Page for the Society of Exploration Geophysics [SEG] - funded, October, 97, $6,000

PI - Creating Geoscience Learning Environments - NSF – Submitted December 1, 1997 - $21,000. proposal not funded – June 3, 1998

CI - Creating a Petroleum S&T Center - TAMU was the lead institution,

      submitted to NSF in spring, 1998, Not funded

CI - AGI/NSF Internet Initiative - Consultant - Letter Proposal

      submitted - $10,000 (May 98 - April 99) - Approved

CI - AGI Internet Initiative - Executive Committee Member, $1,000,000 in funding available for distribution – Not Funded

PI - Geophysics on the Internet - SEG - 1999-2000  $4,500

PI – StudentResearch effort - $5,000 as contribution from Editor of

       FirstResearch, 2000-1

PI – Support of Internet activities - $6,000 from Chevron,

                    California. 2000

CI - Preparing Interactive Environmental Internet Exercises, Environmental Institute of the University of Houston, with W.R. Dupre and I. Evans, $ 7,500


CI - QuickTime Streaming Audio and Video, proposal submitted to

Program B, Provost's Office, University of Houston, with R. Geanangel and H. Rodgers, $25,000


Consulting Activities


Clay Mineralogy - Getty Oil, Texaco, and numerous smaller Companies : 1973-


Teaching - Physical Geology for Geophysicists : Shell (1979-1986) Getty (1982-83), Mobil Oil (1982-83) and Data Analysis (on demand to several companies)

            Numerous Text Book Companies - reviews and critiques


Short Courses Presented


Geophysics on the Internet : Geophysical Society of Houston, August, 1997 -  32 participants

Geophysics on the Internet : Geophysical Society of Houston, January, 1998 - 35 participants

Publications (Summary)


Publications (formal papers):         87 in career

Published Abstracts:                        99 in career

Published Columns (ANON – Computers & Geosciences):  ~45 in career

Editor, Special Issues – Computers & Geosciences:                    5 in career

Electronic Books (Resource Guide for Geology and the Environment)


Recent Publications Focusing on Teaching (reviewed)


Butler, J.C., 1995, “An introduction to geoscience education resources on the internet,” Computers and Geosciences, v. 21, No. 6, 817-824 (67)


Butler, J.C., 1995, “Geosciences resources on the Internet,” Speakers Corner, Elsevier Publishing, invited paper published on the internet, (68)


Butler, J.C., 1996, “On the care and the feeding of moles,” Campus Wide Information Systems Journal, volume 13, no 3, 27-32.(69)


Butler, J.C., 1996, “Is the world ready for a virtual geosciences professor?,” Speakers Corner, Elsevier Publishing, invited paper published on the internet,, September, 1996 (70)


Butler, J.C., 1996, “Crossing discipline and administrative boundaries without a passport,” Geocal, Computers in Teaching (CTI), no 15, 6-9 (71).


Butler, J.C., 1996,  A Resource Guide for Geology and the Environment, by Pipkin and Trent, West Publishing, October, 1996 -- a disk-based Internet resource Guide accompanying “Geology and the Environment” by Pipkin and Trent. (72)


Butler, J.C., 1977, “The Internet : Pandora’s Box or the Missing Link - Part II,” The Leading Edge, Education Issue, invited, volume 16, no. 7, 1033-1036. (73)


Butler, J.C., 1997, “The virtual geoscience professor,” Computers and Geosciences, Special Issue, Distance Learning, vol 23, no 5, 521-532.(74)


Butler, J.C., 1997,  “Which is more difficult -- achieving institutional change or herding cats?,”  Active Learning, No 6, July, 1997, 38-40. (75)


Butler, J.C., 1998, “The internet - a catalyst for change,”  Special Issue of Computers & Geosciences, vol 24, no 7, 617-621. (76)


Butler, J.C., 1998, “Along came a spider -- weaving web resources,” Campus Wide Information Systems, v. 15, no. 1, 22-26  (77)


Butler, J.C., 1998, “You show me yours and I’ll show you mine,” GSA  Today, v. 8 no. 2,  9-13 (78)


Butler, J.C., 1998, “Rethinking expectations,” Computers in Teaching (CTI), number 18 4-8 (79)


Butler, J.C., 1999, “The tangled web,” Active Learning, Number 10, July, 63-66. (80)


Butler, J.C., 1999, “From punch cards to web servers – the legacy of Daniel F. Merriam,”  Computers & Geosciences, special issue on Freeware and Shareware in the Geosciences, volume 25, no. 4, 319-320. (81)


Butler, J.C., 2000, "An academic challenge for the Year 2000 : Perfect the Memex", Computers&Geosciences, special issue on the Year 2000 Challenge., vol 26, No. 6, 627-634. (82)


Butler, J. C., 2000, "Is  the Internet helping to create learning environments?",

Campus Wide Information Systems, v. 17, no. 2, 44-48. (83)


Butler, J. C., 2000, "The Internet will facilitate distributed learning",

invited keynote presentation and publication, The Geological Survey of Portugal, February 3-4, 2000, University of Minoha, Braga, Portugal,

7 pages. (84)


Butler, J.C., 2000, “The gap between learners is decreasing”, Invited paper for

            The Education Issue of The Leading Edge, v. 19, no. 7.(85)


Butler, J.C., 2001, “A Virtual Tutor”, Invited essay for , , Geotimes,

January, 2001, 18-19 (86)


Butler, J.C., 2001, “Teaching and research …. what do we accept as research?, Campus Wide Information Systems, in press (87)


Butler, J.C. 2002, “Evolution of Interactive Internet Applications”, special

issue of  Computers and Geosciences, in press.


Butler, J.C. 2002, “Why there might be no significant difference”, special issue,

Journal of Geoscience Education, in review


Recent Presentations Focusing on Teaching


Is the world ready for a virtual geosciences professor, GSA Annual Meeting, Summary Paper in the Session on the Internet and Teaching, October, 1996, abstract,


The Internet -- Pandora’s Box or the Missing Link, WWW session sponsored by the Texas Water Resources Institute, TAMU, December, 1996, abstract.


Developing HTML script for Internet-based teaching resources, AGU Annual Meeting, Macintosh Computer Applications, Short Course at San Francisco State University, December, 1996, short course notes on a disk.


The Internet -- Pandora’s Box or the Missing Link : Part III,  Using the Internet for Geoscience Teaching and Learning,  University of Derby,  10th July 1997.  A meeting organized jointly by the Geoscience Information Group and the UK Earth Science Courseware Consortium to form the second day the their Annual Users' Meeting.


The Internet -- AGI sponsored workshop at the Colorado School of Mines, July 20-22, 97 Invited speaker at the IDIG Conference.


Teaching and Research in the Geosciences, September 19, 1997, University of Oklahoma, Invited Seminar Speaker.


Capturing the Visualization Generation, October 26, 1997, Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Salt Lake City, UT: presentation with abstract.


The Value of Research at a University - A Personal Opinion, Research Workshop presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Dallas, Texas,  November 5, 1997, Invited speaker.


Creating Internet Resources for Training - A workshop sponsored by the American Geological Institute, Boulder, Colorado, December 15, 1997.  Invited participant and speaker.  Exploring the possibility of developing resources which could be used in in-house training sessions as well as in academia.  Potential of $1M in funding.


Creating Internet Resources for Training II - Follow-up workshop funded by a

grant from NSF for $125,000.  Co-Organizer with Tom Boyd from the Colorado School of Mines.  12 to 15 Internet developers were brought to Golden Colorado to plan how to invest the $1M noted above.  A three-day session styled after the Penrose Conferences, August 7-11, 1998.


Rethinking Expectations II:  Using the Internet for Geoscience Teaching and Learning,    University of Derby,  26 and 27th June 1998. A meeting organized jointly by the  Geoscience Information Group and the UK Earth Science\ Courseware Consortium to form the second day of their Annual Users' Meeting.


IDIG - Improving Delivery in the Geosciences, NSF/AGI sponsored.  Invited presenter at  the five day program (Year 2)on Improving Delivery In the Geosciences, University of South Carolina. July, 1998.


Creating Learning Environments - A one day theme session at the GSA Annual Meeting in Toronto, October 1998.  Butler, Lamberson (University of British Columbia) and Huff

            (University of Cincinnati) are the organizers, Abstract.


Rethinking Expectations III – A presentation at the GSA National Meetings, Toronto, October, 1998, in the Symposium on Distributing Geoscience Information. Abstract.


The Sage on the Stage versus the Guide on the Side : One More Divide to Cross –

A one day thematic session at the GSA National Meetings, Denver, Colorado, 1999. Co-chair


The Role of the Internet in Creating and Sustaining Distributed Learning Environments,

An Internet Symposium sponsored by the Geological Survey of Portugal and the Internet Committees of Geology Departments in Portugal, Braga, Portugal, February  3 and 4, 2000, Invited Plenary Speaker


Digital Camel Drivers:  Workshop of DLESE – Digital Library for Earth System

 Education.  Held at the University of Montana, Virtual Presentation


Assessing the role of the Internet in Creating a Learning Environment : A

one day thematic session at the GSA National Meetings, Reno, Nevada, 2000 – Co-chair

Assessment …. The next frontier:  Geological Society of America Annual

 Meetings, Reno Nevada


Can the Internet serve as a virtual tutor: Geological Society of America

             Annual Meetings, Reno, Nevada – Invited Presentation


Editorial Assignments


Butler, J.C., 1995, Editor for a Special Issue on the Internet for Computers and                   Geosciences, v. 21, No. 6 (13 contributed papers)


Butler, J.C., 1996, Another Node On the interNet (ANON) columns published

in Computers and Geosciences each issue.  More than 30 ANON columns have been published to date and ten more have been scheduled.

Butler, J.C., 1997, Editor for a Special Issue on Distributed Learning - DistanceEducation for Computers and Geosciences, 15 contributed publications. Vol. 23, no. 5.


Butler, J.C., 1998, Editor for a Special Issue on the Internet in Education &

 Learning for Computers&Geosciences, 19 articles. Vol. 24, no. 5.


Butler, J.C., 1999, Editor for a Special Issue on Geoscience Freeware and

Shareware in the Geosciences, Computers&Geosciences, 21 articles, Issue scheduled for  publication in February or March, 1999.


Butler, J.C., 2000, Editor for a Special Issue on The Year 2000 Challenge –

Where Do We Go From Here, ~15 articles, Issue scheduled for publication in January, 2000


Butler, J.C., 2002, Editor for a Special Issue on Geoscience Freeware and

 Shareware; planning stages


Butler, J.C., 1996-97,  A Resource Guide for Geology and the Environment, by Pipkin and Trent, West Publishing, October, 1996 -- a disk-based Internet resource Guide accompanying “Geology and the Environment” by Pipkin and Trent.




Web teaching guide  - A practical approach to creating course web sites

Sarah Horton,1999,  Yale University Press, New Haven & London 242pp. Invited review for Palaeontologia Electronica

Internet Publishing


Butler, J.C., 1995, Geosciences resources on the Internet,” Speakers Corner,

Elsevier Publishing, invited paper published on the internet,   


Butler, J.C., 1996, “Is the world ready for a virtual geosciences

professor?”, Speakers Corner, Elsevier Publishing, invited paper published on the internet,,  September, 1996


Butler, J.C., 1996-97, WWW home page for Geology and the Environment,

West Publishing, under contract.



Butler, J.C., 1996-97, The Faculty Lounge, segment of the WWW home page of             Wadsworth Publishing, under contract. (


Butler, J.C., 1997-98,  An Internet Scavenger Hunt, segment of the WWW

home page of Wadsworth Publishing,  (


WWW Home Pages


The Virtual Geosciences Professor (


Geosciences (


Natural Sciences and Mathematics (


Another Node On the interNet (ANON)- home page for readers of                                     Computers&Geosciences (


New University Reporting Data (NURD) - Central - changes in the

            demographics of the UH student population


Course Resources on the Internet


Physical Geology (


Petrography (


Geological Analysis (


Geochemistry (


Listservs “owned”


the VirtualCoffeeRoom - ( - a discussion   group of faculty who use the Internet to create learning environments (128 subscribers)


UH-Camel - ( a UH discussion group




Cameron, K.L., Carman, M.F., and Butler, J.C., 1970, “Rhonite from Big Bend National Park,” Amer. Mineral., v. 55, 664-74. (1)   


King, E.A., Carman, M.F., and Butler, J.C., 1970, “Mineralogy and petrology of coarse particulate material from the lunar surface at Tranquility Base,”  Proceedings of the Apollo 11 Lunar Conference,  Pergamon Press, v. 1, 599-606 (2)


King, E.A., Carman, M.F., and Butler, J.C., 1970, “Mineralogy and petrology of coarse particulate material from the lunar surface at Tranquility Base,” Science, v. 167, 650-652 (3)


King, E.A., Butler, J.C., and Carman, M.F., 1971, “The lunar regolith as sampled by Apollo 11 and Apollo 12: grain size analyses, modal  analyses, and origins of particles,”  Proceedings, Second Lunar Science Conference, M.I.T. Press, v. 1, 737-746 (4)


Butler, J.C. and Sorrell, C.A., 1971, “Thermal expansion and the orthorhombic-cubic transition in BaSO4 and SrSO4,” High Temperature Science; v. 3, 389-400 (5)


King, E.A., Carman, M.F., and Butler, J.C., 1972, “Chondrules in Apollo 14 samples: Implications for the origin of chondritic meteorites,”  Science,  v. 175, 59-60. (6)


Butler, J.C. and Sorrell, C.A., 1972, “Subsolidus formation of binary solid solutions of barium, strontium and lead sulfates and fluorides,” High Temperature Science, v. 4, 128-140 (7)


King, E.A., Butler, J.C., and Carman, M.F., 1972, “Chondrules in Apollo 14 breccias and estimation of lunar surface ages from grain size analysis,” 3rd Lunar Science Conference, Lunar Science Institute, 400-403. (8)


King, E.A., Butler, J.C., and Carman, M.F., 1972, “Chondrules in Apollo 14 samples and size analysis of Apollo 14 and 15 fines,” Proceedings of the Third Lunar Science Conference, Geochim. et Cosmochim.  Acta, Suppl. 3, v. 1, 673-86. (9)


King, E.A., Butler, J.C., and Carman, M.F., 1972, “The lunar regolith,” 24th Inter. Geol. Congr., Proceedings, Sec. 15, 58-63 (10)


Butler, J.C., King, E.A., and Carman, M.F., 1972, “Apollo 15 grain size analyses,” Lunar Science Institute, Houston, Texas (11)


Butler, J.C., 1972, “A Fortran IV plotting program utilizing an on-line printer,” Mineral. Mag., v. 38, 899-900 (12)


Butler, J.C., 1973, “Prediction of compositions of anomalous  cryptoperthites from the Rattlesnake Mountain sill, West Texas, using  stepwise multiple linear regression techniques,” Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., v. 4, 949-954 (13)


Butler, J.C. and Scotford, D.M., 1973, “Re-examination of Upper Cincinnatian shale         petrology,” Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., v. 84, 2431-2434.  (14)


Butler, J.C., Greene, G.M., and King, E.A., 1973, “Grain size frequency distributions and modal analyses of Apollo 16 lunar fines,” Proceedings of the Third Lunar Science Conference, v. 1, Suppl. 4 (15)


Butler, J.C., Carman, M.F., and King, E.A., 1974, “Unit cell parameters, compositions and 2V measurements of selected lunar plagioclases,” The  Moon, v. 9, 327-334. (16)


Butler, J.C., 1974, “Analysis of correlations between percentages,” Jour. Geol. Educ., v. 1, 56-61 (17)


Butler, J.C. and King, E.A., 1974, “Analysis of the grain frequency distributions of lunar fines,” Proc. Fourth Lunar Science Conference, Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, Suppl. 5, 829-841 (18)


Hawkins, G.P., Dodge, C.F., and Butler, J.C., 1974, “Clay mineralogy of the Lewisville Member of the Cretaceous Woodbine Formation,” GCAGS, v.  XXIV, 283-290 (19)


Butler, J.C., 1975, “The occurrence of negative open variances in ternary systems,” Math. Geol., v. 7, no. 1, 31-45 (20)


Butler, J.C.,1975, “Pyrite and pyrrhotite from southeastern Llano County, Texas,” Texas Academy of Science, no. 1, 99-106 (21)


Carman, M.F., Cameron, M., Gunn, B., Cameron, K., and Butler, J.C., 1975, “Petrology of the Rattlesnake Mountain sill, Big Bend National Park,” Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., v. 85, 177-193. (22)


Butler, J.C., 1975, “Preliminary R mode analysis of Apollo 15 basalts taking the effects of closure and ratio formation into account,” in Origins of Mare Basalts and their Implications for Lunar Evolution, The Lunar Science Institute, Houston, Texas, 15-20 (23)


Butler, J.C., 1975, “Kettle carbonates,” Jour. Sed. Pet., v. 46, no. 1, 130-132 (24)


Butler, J.C., 1976, “Principal components analysis using the hypothetical closed array,” Math. Geol., v. 8,no. 1, 25-36. (25)


Butler, J.C., “Chemical classification of Apollo 15 mare basalts,” Proc. Lunar Sci. 7th Conf., 1429-1447 (26)


Evans, I.E., Kendall, G.C.St. C., and Butler, J.C., 1977, “Shallow and deep water rhythms, Central High Atlas Mountains, Morocco,” Jour. Sed. Pet., v. 48. (27)


King, E.A. and Butler, J.C., 1977, “Rosin's law and the Lunar regolith,” The Moon, v. 17, 177-178. (28)


Butler, J.C., 1977, “Preliminary analysis of variation in Al, Mg, and Si in   Apollo 11, 12 and 15 basalts and regolith samples,” Physics of Earth and Planetary Interiors, v. 15, 275-286 (29)


Butler, J.C., 1978, “Visual bias in r mode dendrograms due to the effect of closure,” Math. Geol., v. 10, no. 2, 243-252 (30)


Butler, J.C., 1979, “Numerical consequences of changing the units in which chemical analyses of igneous rocks are analyzed,” Lithos, v. 12,  33-39 (31)


Butler, J.C., “Effects of closure on the moments of a distribution,” Math. Geol., v. 11, 75-84 (32)


Greene, G.M. and Butler, J.C., 1979, “Spinel lherzolites from the Xalapasco de la Joya structure, S.L.P.. Mexico,” Mineral Mag., v. 43,  483-87 (33)


Butler, J.C., 1979, “The effects of closure on the measures of similarity between samples,” Math. Geol., v. 11, no. 4, 431-440. (34)


 Butler, J.C., 1979, “Trends in ternary petrologic variation diagrams - fact or fantasy?,” Amer. Mineral., v. 64, 1115-1121. (35)


Droddy, M.J. and Butler, J.C., 1979, “A note on low grade contact  metamorphism in southwestern Brewster County, Texas,” Mineral. Mag., v. 43, 480-483. (36)


Butler, J.C., 1980, Numerical consequences of computing structural  formulas: Lithos, 13, p. 44-49 (37)


Chafetz, H.S. and Butler, J.C., 1980, Petrology of recent caliche,  pisolites, spherulites (after Microcodium), and speleothem deposits: Sedimentology, v. 27, 497-518. (38)


Bianchi, R., Butler, J.C., Coradoni, A., and Gavrishim, A.I., 1980, “A  classification of lunar glass and rock samples using the G Mode Central  method: The Moon and the Planets,”  v. 20, 305-322 (39)


Butler, J.C., 1981, “Effect of various transformations on the analysis of percentage data,” Math. Geol., v. 13, 43-63. (40)


Chafetz, H.S. and Butler, J.C., 1982, “Reply to M. Esteban on Petrology of recent caliche, pisolites, spherulites (after Microcodum), and speleothem deposits,” Sedimentology, v. 29, 443-446  (41)


Butler, J.C., 1982, “Artificial isochrons,” Lithos, v. 15, 207-214. (42)


Butler, J.C., 1982, “Effects of percentage formation on discriminant function analysis,” Chemical Geology, v. 37, 367-375 (43)


Hall, S.A. and Butler, J.C., 1983, “Potential problems in  magnetostratigraphic studies of shallow water sequences,”  Jour. Geology,  v. 91, 693-705 (44)


Butler, J.C., 1984, “Building data bases with an Apple II microcomputer system;      Geochautauqua,” Morgantown, West Virginia (45)


Butler, J.C., 1985, “Computer-aided learning experiences : closed number systems,” (invited paper), Compass, v. 62, no. 3, 187-193 (46)


Siroky, F., Elthon, D., Casey, J., and Butler, J.C., 1985, “Modeling crystal fractionation processes in diabases and basalts from the North Arm Mountain Massif of the Bay of Islands ophiolite, Newfoundland,” Tectonophysics, 41-61 (47)


Butler, J.C., 1986, Managing data files with File Master: NAGT Special Publication 1: Personal Computer Software for Geologic Education, BASIC software and 11 page text (48)


Butler, J.C., 1986, Scatter diagrams: NAGT Special Publication 1: Personal Computer Software for Geologic Education BASIC software  and 3 page text (49)


Butler, J.C., 1986, Principal components analysis (PCA): NAGT Special  Publication 1: Personal Computer Software for Geologic Education,  BASIC software and 4 page text (50)


Butler, J.C., 1986, Best fit: NAGT Special Publication 1, Personal Computer Software for Geologic Education, BASIC software and 5 page text (51)


Butler, J.C., 1986, Cluster: NAGT Special Publication 1: Personal Computer Software for Geologic Education, BASIC software and 4 page text (52)


Butler, J.C., 1986, Two group discriminant function analysis (DFA): NAGT Special Publication 1, Personal Computer Software for Geologic Education, BASIC software and 7 page text (53)


Butler, J.C., 1986, “An interactive program for creating and manipulating data files with an Apple microcomputer system: Microcomputer Applications in Geology,” Computers and Geology, v. 5, (invited paper), ed. by J. Hanley and D.F. Merriam, 160-167 (54)


Butler, J.C. and Woronow, A., 1986, “Extracting genetic information from coarse clastic modes,” Computers in Geosciences, v. 12, 55)


Butler, J.C. and Woronow, 1986, “Yet another procedure for extracting genetic information from ternary variables: AAPG Special Publications,” Houston Geotech 85, p. 1-3 (56).


Woronow, A. and Butler, J.C., 1986, “Complete subcomposition independence testing of closed arrays,” Computers & Geosciences, v. 12,  (57).


Butler, J.C. and Woronow, A., 1986, “Discrimination among tectonic settings using trace element abundances,”  J. Geophysical Research, v. 91, n. B10, 10301,10308.  (58).


Butler, J.C., 1986, “The role of spurious correlation in the development of a petrogenetic model

for komatiite alteration,” J. Geophysical Research, v. 91, in. B13, E275-E280. (59).


Butler, J.C., 1987, “Summarizing the information content of a set of measurements,” Geobyte, Houston Geotech 86, special publication (60).


Butler, J.C., 1987, Survey of IAMG membership, Computers in Geosciences, v. 13, n. 3, 313-15. (61)


Butler, J.C, 1987, “Exploratory data analysis with Macspin,” Geobyte, v.2, n. 3, 41-43. (62) 


Butler, J.C., 1987, MacSpin (a review), Computers in Geosciences, v. 13, n.5, 563-64.  (63)


Butler, J.C., 1988, “Summarizing the information content of a set of measurements,” Geobyte, v. 3, n. 1, 30-35. (64)


Butler, J.C.., 1988, “Exploring Dynamic Relationships,” Geobyte, v. 3, n. 2, 32-36 (65).


Butler, J.C., 1989, “Stimulation through simulation,” Microcomputer Applications in Geology, v. 2, (invited paper) (66).