Physical Geology - Student Survey #4

As we have discussed in class, I am interested in conducting a research project comparing different methods of teaching Physical Geology; specifically, to compare students participating in an on-line class to those enrolled in a traditional class. I will be using your responses to the questions below for education and publication purposes, however you will never be personally identified - your identity will remain anonymous. It should take approximately 10 minutes to respond to the questions. While there are no forseeable risks or benefits to you, this research may provide information to enhance the instruction of geology. If you have any questions, please contact me at(713) 743-3411 or

If you have any questions regarding your rights as a human subject, please contact the Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects at (713) 743-9204.

There is an interesting Internet page called the No Significant Difference Phenomenon :

This is a compilation of more than 350 studies of the effect of technology on distance education. "85% of faculty felt that student learning outcomes in online education were comparable or better to those found in face-to-face classrooms. While this was consistant with much of the data that exists in support of the 'No Significant Difference Phenomena', it was encouraging to see that so many faculty (with experience in teaching the same course in face-to-face and online environments) were in support of online courses being as effective as classroom courses."

If you are in the face-to-face class, send me an email message and tell me if you would feel comfortable taking a course like this one in an online fashion. Focus on what you know about your ideal learning environment. You do not need to complete the following survey but you will receive 10 points for sending me your comments.

If you are in the online course, I am curious as to your overall experiences with this course and appreciate your response. You will receive 10 points.

Click on the answer bar to see the choices.

As soon as I record a "tick mark" by your SSN, I will remove the SSN from the survey. Your responses will not influence your grade in the course.

If for some reason you can not transmt this response, print out the questions, answer them and put the responses in my mail box in room 312 Science Research.

  1. Last Four Digits of SSN :

  2. When I decided to take this course I thought that the content would be less than a face-to-face course.

  3. When I decided to take this course I thought that there would be less work than in a face-to-face course

  4. I feel that I learned as much from this online course as I would have from a face-to-face course.

  5. My primary reason for taking this course was convenience.

  6. I feel that communication with an instructor by e-mail is "safer" than face-to-face communication.

  7. Overall, I communicated with the instructor more in this course than in face-to-face, lower-level (freshman and sophomore) courses I have taken.

  8. I would recommend this online course to a friend.

  9. I would recommend this instructor to a friend.

  10. My final grade is unknown at this time but it will most likely reflect the effort I have devoted to the course and what I have learned in the course.

  11. Please add any other comments that you would like to make about online courses in general and this section in particular.

    To submit your responses, press this button:

    To reset the form, press this button:
