General Geophysical Reference Materials
Like life, some things just don't fit nicely into defined categories; thus, the need for a General Section. These resources, in the author's opinion will be of value to the practicing geophysicist.
- Applied Geophysics Links
[from the University of British Colmbia]
- College-Level Geophysics Courses
[Links to geophysics courses with Internet-based course resources]
- Geophysics from the GeoMine
- Geophysical Internet Resources
[links to other geoscience resources]
- Geophysical Studies of the Bay Area
[San Francisco, CA]
- Geophysical Resources
[from the University of Calgary]
- Geoscience Information by Themes
[from the U.S. Geological Survey]
- Ground Penetrating Radar
[Case Studies from the University of British Columnia]
- Inversion Resorces
[from the University of British Columbia]
[Geophysics Links from the Netherlands]
- Salt Tectonics
[Professor Giovanni Guglielmo, University of Texas]
- Science Central
[Geophysics, Seismology and Volcanology]