Successes in Creating Multimedia-Assisted Learning Environments The Sage on the Stage Versus the Guide on the Side --
Yet Another Divide to Cross
Papers Presented at the Denver Meetings of the Geological Society of America - October 27, 1999
Wednesday Morning, October 27, 1999
30 Minute Sessions Starting at 8:00 AM
- David McConnell -- The Good Earth: Aligning Web-based Teaching Strategies with Introductory Geology Courses
- Douglas Yarger -- Learning to Teach While Learning to Learn : Reaping the Benefits of Investing in Tomorrow's Teachers
- Janis Treworgy, Robert C. Vaiden, and Michael Chrzastowski -- Effective Teaching Styles and Media Used with K-12 Teachers in Illinois
- Nancy Vanwagoner and Kevin Deveau -- Becoming the Guide on the Side
- Glenn W. Blaylock and Eric Christiansen -- Petroglyph : An Interactive Program for Teaching Petrography
- John F. Stamm and Gary A. Novak -- Geology Labs On-Line : Developing Interactive Exercises for the Internet
- Michael R. Taber and Daniel C. Edelson, Duane Griffin, and Matthew Brown -- Scientific Visualization of Data as a Tool for Assisting Students in Developing Meaningful Relationships Among Complex Variables
- Larry Mayer -- Assessing the Impact of Web-Based Multimedia Enhanced Instruction on Learning in Introductory Geology Courses
Wednesday Afternoon, October 27, 1999
15 Minute Sessions Starting at 1:30 PM
- John W. F. Waldron -- Animating Delivery in the Classroom and on the Web : Teching Web-Based and Web-Supported Courses in Introductory and Structural Geology
- Scott S. Hughes -- Idaho Virtual Campus : Using the Internet to Discover New Techniques in Geology Education
- Bruce Blackerby -- REO GEO : An Asynchronous Multi-Media Distance Learning Course in College-Level Physical Geology for High School Juniors and Seniors
- Discussion
- Susan Kieffer, Cyndy Woods, and Mahn-Ling Woo -- "Scientist Sue" : Using Multimedia Tools to Change the Wat At-Risk Students View Science
- Kevin F. Downing -- Virtual Paleontology : A Web-Based Course for Undergraduates
- Robert B. Jorstad -- The Park Stratigraphy Page : A Progress Report
- Discussion
- Janette M. Piemonte, Christopher D. Condit, Thomas Murray, and Samia Kahn -- Tectonica Interactive : Methods and Techniques for Presenting a Web-Based, Multimedia, Geologic Tutorial
- Leslie Kanat, Stuart Burnbaum, Ed Geary, Ellen Lyon, and Alan Morris -- Geoscience Education Through Interactive Technology : Using Multimedia to Provide Experiental Learning in a Single-Computer Classroom
- John C. Butler -- Increasing the Frequency of Experimentation in Introductory Geoscience Courses
- Discussion
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