Virtual Field Trips
There are more than 300 virtual field trips in the database the FileMaker Pro Database and your students can gain some practical experience by "clicking" through some of these..
Paleontological Research Institute. "This exercise will allow you to discover the raw information of earth science in the same way
professionals do - from field exploration!
Select a virtual fieldtrip. You may explore by time (period) or by space (locality).
A Multimedia Tour. "This video brings glaciers to life with nine spectacular "fly-bys" of scenic rides over
3-dimensional glaciers, live video footage of ice fronts calving into the sea, and dramatic
picture sequences of historical and satellite data, and more. . .
The NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center video tape, "Glacier Bay, Alaska, from the
Ground, Air and Space," is an assemblage of live-captured and remotely-sensed computer
images of glaciers at Glacier Bay, Alaska. Dr. James P. Strong/ Scientific Visualization
Studio (SVS) at GSFC's Earth and Space Data Computing Division and Cindy
Starr/HSTX/SVS produced this narrated video under the direction and guidance of Dr.
Dorothy K. Hall/Code 974, Laboratory for Hydrospheric Processes at GSFC's Hydrological
Sciences Branch.
A collection of virtual field trips including one with a good use of real audio
"WELCOME to GALAPAGOS GEOLOGY ON THE WEB. For those interested in natural
history, there are few places quite as facinating as the Galapagos. The intention of this
web site is to provide information on the Galapagos Islands to both scientists and
non-scientists alike. Charles Darwin was the first geologist to explore the Galapagos. He
made many important observations of Galapagos geology and drew conclusions that
remain valid today."
"How was it formed?
The truth is that no one knows for sure though there are some pretty
good guesses. The chances are that a number of processes combined to
create the views that you see in todays Grand Canyon. The most
powerful force to have an impact on the Grand Canyon is erosion,
primarily by water (and ice) and second by wind. Other forces that
contributed to the Canyon's formation are the course of the Colorado
River itself, vulcanism, continental drift and slight variations in the
earths orbit which in turn causes variations in seasons and climate. "
"The geologic structure of Southern California is intricately tied to the boundary between two tectonic plates. Large expanses of rock are
broken, displaced, and deformed around this tectonically active area better known as the San Andreas Fault Zone.
The San Andreas Fault Zone is the boundary between two converging lithospheric plates: the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate.
The two plates are grinding past one another in the region of Southern California. The plate boundary consists of a zone of subparallel
faults that is roughly one hundred kilometers wide and has shifted its location several times since the onset of this transform (strike-slip)
plate boundary. "
"Begin your trip here. First make an itinerary for your virtual trip to Iceland. If you are planning a real trip check out the
equipment lists so you don't forget important stuff like beef jerky and duck tape!
Study Tip: As you proceed on your trip take notes about what you read. The best way to make sure you understand something is
to try to explain it to yourself in writing. For example, after you read about how fiords are created, try to explain it to yourself in
your own words (in writing). This technique will help you to remember what you have learned. It will also test how well you
understand what you read. "
College of the Redlands - "
No trip through cyberspace can begin to communicate the thrill of actually being at the Smith River. This
multimedia journey is intended to simply provide a glimpse of the river and share some of the spectacular outcrops
we investigated during our field studies course. If you want to see the real thing, come take one of our earth sciences
courses at College of the Redwoods! "
Texas A&M University. "The objective of the Texas Hill Country Virtual Field Trip is to educate visitors to the website about
the geology of the hill country in Texas. A key part of this objective is that we wanted to create a websitethat people could visit that would, in effect, show visitors what the hill country would be like if they visited it themselves."
University of North Carolina. "Welcome to the University of North Carolina Geology Department's "Virtual Geology
Project" home page. This educational resource will eventually feature an extensive offering
of over 20 "virtual field trips" to various locations of geological and environmental
interest in North Carolina. Trips are arranged by subject in the frame to the left, and by
region in this frame.
"In June of 1999 my wife Susan and I had an opportunity to visit the Yunnan Province
(green area) in the Republic of China. The flight from Houston, Texas to Hong Kong took
about 20 hours including a layover of about 2 hours in Narita, Japan. The hotel at the new
Hong Kong airport was a welcomed sight and it proved to be the last place to get large
quantities of ice for the next 8 days.
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