Good Practices - Handouts
Good Practices
Most professors have their favorite handouts that they distribute in their courses. Distribution via the Internet is a good way to avoid copying costs and providing replacements. The following seem to be good examples.
- Animated Tectonic History of Western North America and Southern California
"Professor Tanya Atwater began these animations as a project for the
Smithsonian Museum and for public education. As they evolved, the
animations developed into a powerful research visualization tool used by
geoscientists across the nation. Professor Atwater is now releasing these
animations over the Web for general use. This page contains the first
image of each animation. The movie previews contain a small version of
each animation along with an extended description. Two larger versions
of each movie, plus an accompanying narrative text are available for free
on the download page."
- Climate from Geothermal Data
St. Francis Xavier, Canada.
- Contacts - an Exercise
From Northeastern University
- Global Earth History, Geologic History of the Western US and Selected North American Orogenies
from Northern Arizona University
- Gravity and Magnetics Primer
"The primary goal of studying gravity and magnetic data is to provide a better understanding of the subsurface geology of
the Earth. Gravity and magnetic measurements are both non-destructive remote sensing methods that are relatively
cheap, and are used to determine information about the subsurface that is useful especially in exploration for oil and gas
and mineral deposits.
- Geophysical Examples
Seismic exploration, in principle, is nothing
more than a mechanized version of the blind
person and his cane. In place of the tapping cane
we have a hammer blow on the ground, or an
explosion in a shallow hole, to generate sound
waves. We "listen" with geophones ...
- Geophysical Case Histories
U. British Columbia - Excellent set of resources covering a wide range of applications
- Global Positioning Systems
Finally, the U.S. Department of Defense decided that the military had to
have a super precise form of worldwide positioning. And fortunately they
had the kind of money ($12 Billion!) it took to build something really good.
The result is the Global Positioning System, a system that's changed
navigation forever."
- Petrology and Plate Tectonics
from Pomona University.
Measured and Estimated SeaFloor Topography
Land Topography from GTOPO30
from the University of Central Michigan. "The links below are organized around the sequence of topics typically taught in an introductory earth science or physical geography class. Links are also available for environmental
science,earth science/geography education, career opportunities, and more. The sites selected are based on image quality, ease with which lesson plans can be developed, organization,
authenticity, scope, and format. "
- Plate Tectonics
from the U. Oregon Electronic Universe Project.
- Unconformities in the Grand Canyon
From Northeastern University
- A Catalog of Geoscience Handout Resources
There are more than 100 course handouts available in the FileMaker Pro Database
January 15, 2001
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