AGU Workshops

Macintosh Computer Applications in Undergraduate Geoscience Courses

A Workshop in Conjunction with the AGU Annual Meeting, 1995, 1996

Hosted by the San Francisco State University

Coordinated By:

PresentersContent Areas
Tau Rho Alpha [1995]
USGS Menlo Park
Fault Models
Volcano Models
Models by Tau Rho Alpha
Tom Boyd [1995]
Phil Romig [1995]
Colorado School of Mines
Exploration Geophysics
John C. Butler [1996]
University of Houston
The Virtual Geosciences Professor
An Introduction to HTML
Dave Bryon & Bill Sowerbutts [1995]
UK Earth Science Courseware
Roland Burgmann [1996]
U California @ Davis
An Introduction to GPS
Active Tectonics -- Projects
Chris Condit [1996]
U Massachusetts
Dynamic Digital Maps
Springerville Volcanic Field
Workshop Tutorial
LuAnn Dahlman [1995]
Center for Image Processing
Download NIH Image
Dan Edelson [1996]
Climate Watcher
Collaborative Visualization Project
A. Eugene Fritsche [1995]
Cal State @ Northridge
Interactive Tutorials - Physical Geology
e-mail author
Karen Grove [1996]
San Francisco State
Introduction to Oceanography Lab
Dennis Hodge [1996]
Marcus Bursik [1995]
SUNY @ Buffalo
Eruption! A Volcanic Crisis Model
e-mail the author
Steve Hurst [1995,96]
U Illinois
Computer-Assisted Approach -
Introductory Geology Labs

e-mail the author
Kim Kastens [1995]
Where are We?
Ray McClain [1996]
Moss Landing Marine Lab
Use of MicroImages
Moss Landing
William A. Prothero, Jr. [1995]
U. Cal @ Santa Barbara
Our Dynamic Planet
UCSB Oceanography
Martin Ruzek [1995]
USRA/ESSE Resource list
Trond H. Torsvik [1995]
Geological Survey of Norway

John Butler, Ray McClain, Donna Sandberg & Gaylen Carlson - 1996

Links To Geological Software

Since December 22, 1996

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