U of H

College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences 

Irving N. Rothman



Curriculum Vitae.


Irving N. Rothman, Ph.D.
Professor of English
University of Houston [232B-C]
Houston, TX 77204-3012

Phone: (713) 743-2962 [English Dept], 743-9138 [EIH, ISSO]]
FAX: (713) 743-3215
e-mail: irothman@uh.edu

UH Positions
Professor of English
Editor, The Institute for Space Systems Operations [ISSO]

Employment History
Professor of English, University of Houston              1980-present
Associate Professor, University of Houston               1973-1980
Assistant Professor, University of Houston                June 1967-1973

Ph.D.      English and American Literature                                          Pittsburgh 1967
B.A., 1957; M.A., 1959,  English and American Literature                Pittsburgh


“Computer-Based Stylometric Attribution of Defoe as a Contributor to Robert Drurys Journal,”  [with co-authors Rakesh Verma and Thomas M. Woodell].  (Submitted July 2004).

Defoe, Daniel. The Political History of the Devil (1726). Ed. Irving N. Rothman and R. Michael Bowerman. The Stoke Newington Daniel Defoe Edition. General Editors: Jim Springer Borck, Maximillian E. Novak, John G. Peters, Irving N. Rothman, and Manuel Schonhorn. Brooklyn, N.Y.: AMS Press, Inc., 2003. 705pp.

“Joseph Dennie, a Sceptic, and Philip Freneau, a Celebrant, on Ballooning in Early America.” Y2002 Annual Report of the Institute for Space Systems Operations. Houston: ISSO, 2003. 118-23. [The Port Folio]

“Mary Gaitskill.” World Encyclopedia of Authors. N. Y.: Gale Publishing Co., 2003.

“A Response to P.N. Furbanks and W. R. Owens.” PBSA 96.3 (Sept. 2002): 465-69.

“The Man in the Moon—An International Debate in Defoe Studies.” Y2001 Annual Report of the Institute for Space Systems Operations. Houston: ISSO, 2002.102-105.

General Co-Editor [Chief Textual Editor]. The Consolidator (1705) in The Stoke Newington Daniel Defoe Edition. Baton Rouge: LSU and New York: AMS Press, 2001. 288pp.

“Defoe De-Attributions Scrutinized under Hargevik Criteria: Applying Stylometrics to the Canon.” PBSA [Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Amrica]. 94.3 (Sept. 2000): 375-98.

“Melville’s Reading of Edward Topsell: A Source for Chapter 86, ‘The Tail,’ in Moby Dick.” The Explicator 57.3 (Spring 1999): 148-151.

Chief Textual Editor. The Essay on Projects, in The Works of Defoe. Baton Rouge: LSU and New York: AMS Press, 1999. [Textual layout, bibliographic description, bibliographies prior to 1731 and post-1731, proofreading and footnoting review for textual integrity; textual notes by Michael Seidel (Columbia), Max Novak (UCLA), and Manuel Schonhorn (SIU)].

Bibliographic description of The Consolidator (1705). (Accepted by LSU/AMS Press, 1998; publication, 2000]. 2pp.

“Fielding’s Comic Prose Epithalamium in Joseph Andrews: A Spenserian Imitation.” The Modern Language Review  93.3 (1998): 609-28.

“The Reliable Barber Supply Co.: An Annotated Chronological Bibliography of the Barber—Second Delivery.” Bulletin of Bibliography 55.2 (1998): 101-21 [186 new items.]

“Coleridge on the Semi-Colon in Robinson Crusoe: Problems in Editing Defoe.” Studies in the Novel. 27.3 (Fall 1995): 320-40.

“The Reliable Barber Supply Co.:  An Annotated Bibliography of the Barber in World Culture.” Bulletin of Bibliography. 51.4 (December 1994): 325-39.

“Donald Govan: Defoe’s Glasgow Printer of The Family Instructor.” The Bibliotheck [St. Andrews University Scotland] (September 1984): 70-83.

“John McPherson,” in American Writers Before 1800: A Bibliographical and Critical Dictionary. 3 Vols. Ed. James Levernier and Douglas R. Wilmes (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1984): 3:927-31.

“Defoe’s Family Instructor in Glasgow: Dissent and the Schism Act.” Notes and Queries 31.3 (Sept. 1984): 385-87.

“The Execution Scene in Gulliver’s Travels.” Journal of Evolutionary Psychology 3.1&2 (April 1982): 56-75.

“Defoe's The Family Instructor: A Response to the Schism Act." Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 74 (Third Quarter 1980): 201-220.

“Defoe,” in The Milton Encyclopedia, ed. William B. Hunter, Jr., General Editor, and John T. Shawcross and John Steadman, Co-Editors; Purvis E. Boyette and Leonard Nathanson, Associate Editors. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 1978. 135-40.

“An Imitation of Boileau’s Fourth Satire in the American Republic.” Revue de Litérature Comparée 53 (Jan.-March 1979): 76-85. [The Port Folio]

“Titian’s Pesaro Madonna as the Model for Hogarth’s Gin Lane.” Forum [Houston] [with Margaret Sobel] 17 (Winter 1979): 34-42.

“The Houston Editing Desk and Editing Frame.” PBSA 72 (First Quarter 1978): 130-36.

“The Quincunx in Pope’s Moral Aesthetics.” Philological Quarterly 55.3 (Summer 1976): 374-88.

“Defoe Census of ‘The Family Instructor’ and ‘The Political History of the Devil.’” Notes and Queries New Series, 23.11 (November 1976): 486-92.

“The Songs as Thematic Center in Chatterton’s AElla.” Modern Language Studies 5.1 (Spring 1975): 67-77.

“Humility and Obedience in the Clerk’s Tale, with the Envoy Considered as an Ironic Affirmation.” Papers on Language & Literature 9.2 (Spring 1973): 115-27.

“John Trumbull’s Parody of Spenser’s Epithalamium,” The Yale University Library Gazette 47 (April 1973): 193-215. [The Port Folio]

“Niagara Falls and The Port Folio.” Aldus [Houston] 11 (November 1973): 242-54.

“Two Juvenalian Satires by John Quincy Adams.” Early American Literature 6 (Winter 1972): 234-51. [The Port Folio]

“Alexander Wilson's Forest Adventure: the Sublime and the Satirical in Wilson's Poem ‘The Foresters.’” Journal of the Society in the Bibliography of Natural History [British Museum] 6 (173):142-54. [The Port Folio]

“Structure and Theme in Samuel Ewing’s Satire, the ‘American Miracle,’” [in the Port Folio]. American Literature 40 (Nov. 1968):294-308. [The Port Folio]

“The Paperback in the Classroom.” The Educational Forum 29.2 (January 1965): 183-87.

“A College Paper Reacts to Cigarette Ad Loss.” Journalism Quarterly 41.4 (Autumn 1964): 589-90.

“Editorial Responsibility, Not Administrative Censorship.” College Press Review 3.6 (Spring 1963): 7-12; reprinted in Freedom and Censorship of the College Press, ed. Herman A. Estrin and Arthur M. Sanderson (Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Company Publishers, 1966). 205-17.


The Complete Works of Thomas Chatterton: A Bicentenary Edition. Ed. Donald S. Taylor in Association with Benjamin Hoover. 2 vols. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1971, in Comparative Literature 25.1 (1973): 84-87.

Keane, Patrick J. Coleridge’s Submerged Politics: The Ancient Mariner and  Robinson Crusoe. Columbia and London: University of Missouri Press, 1994, in Studies in the Novel 28.2 (1996): 260-62.

Research in Progress

Edition of Daniel Defoe’s The Family Instructor (2 vols.), To be published by AMS Press.

Submitted to co-editors Manuel Schonhorn (SIU) and Max Novak (UCLA) the third volume of Robinson Crusoe (Serious Reflections and the Angelick World), prepared by Jennifer Smith [MS. 374pp.]

In preparation for submission to Manuel Schonhorn (SIU) and Max Novak (UCLA), the text of Robinson Crusoe  [Ms. 364pp.] and The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe [Ms. 374pp.]. [All  material has been processed into the computer, proofread,  and is being converted from IBM to Microsoft WordPerfect and systems compatible with LSU typesetting technology.]

Initial collation of editons completed Summer 2003: The Life and Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe: 1st, 2nd, 3rd [two states], 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and Dublin edition: The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 1st [two states], 2nd, 3rd, and 4th; The Serious Reflections of  Robinson Crusoe [two copies of the first edition]; these are currently being compiled into a list of variants. Research ongoing.

“Defoe and Slavery.”  Projected publication in The Family Instructor [completed, summer 1993, Boston, Massachusetts, utilizing the resources of the Boston Public Library.] Ms. 20pp.

“Defoe and Diminutive Pointure in the Printing of The Family Instructor.” Projected publication in The Family Instructor [essay completed, summer 1993, Boston, Massachusetts, utilizing the resources of the Boston Public Library.] Ms. 10pp.

Jews and Their Barbers: An Anthology  [comprising poetry, prose, and fiction, 35 works each prefaced with a prose essay; writers include Nobel Prize winners Elias Canetti, S. Y. Agnon, Isaac Bashevis Singer, and Karl Shapiro, Phillip Levine, Leonard Cohen, and Woody Allen. Items of popular culture include Charlie Chaplin’s The Great Dictator and The Marx Brothers] (currently seeking a publisher). 535pp.

“Flame Baltic in Hell.” [Submitted to ANQ (American Notes and Queries). Ms. 8pp.

“More on Page 66 of Robinson Crusoe,” Studies in the Novel (submitted) with co-author Paul Smith].Ms. 3 pp.

“Magical Realism in the Short Stories of Isaac Bashevis Singer. “[Under review.] MS 32pp.

Citations (Rothman Cited in):

Review of Rothman, Irving N. “Defoe De-Attributions Scrutinized under Hargevik Criteria: Applying Stylometrics to the Canon.” PBSA 94 (Septrember 2000), 375-398; Furbank, P.N. and W.R. Owens. “Stylometry and the Defoe Canon: A Reply to Irving Rothman,” PBSA 96 (September 2002), 463-65; and Rothman, Irving N. and Rakesh Verma. “A Resonse to P.N. Furbank and W.R. Owens,” PBSA 96 (September 2002), 465-469, in Geoffrey M. Sill, The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats 36.2 (Spring 2004): 123-24.

Backscheider, Paula. Daniel Defoe: His Life. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989. 591, 650.

Barash, Carol..”Violence and the Maternal: Swift, Psychoanalysis, and the 1720s,” in “Psychoanalytic Criticism and Gulliver’s Travels.” In Gulliver’s Travels. Ed. Christopher Fox. Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism. Boston and N.Y.: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 1995. 455, 463.

Novak, Maximillian E.  Daniel Defoe: Master of Fictions: His Life and Ideas. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2001. 5.

—. “A Narrative of the Proceedings in France’: Reattributing a De-Attributed Work by Defoe.” PBSA 97.1 (2003): 69-80 [77].

Owens, W.R. and P.N. Furbank. “Stylometry and the Defoe Canon: A Reply to Irving N. Rothman,” PBSA 96.3 (Sept. 2002): 463-65. [Rothman and Verma’s response follows, pp. 465-69.]

—. A Critical Bibliography of Daniel Defoe. London: Pickering & Chatto, 1998. pp. 153, 221.

Smith, Steven Escar: “‘The Eternal Verities Verified’: Charlton Hinman and the Roots of Mechanical Collation.” Studies in Bibliography. Ed. David L. Vander Meulen. Vol. 53. Charlottesville: The UP of Virginia, 2000. pp. 130, 160.

Pedagogical Projects

Ultrix for Literary Analysis [A Computer-based Workbook for Students in Bibliography and Methods of Research]. Houston: University of Houston, 1995. 198pp.

“Competency-Based Learning Modules,” Alternatives in Religious Education (Fall 1976): 6-9.

“Basic Writing Skills for Supervisors: A Training Program of the Solid Waste Management Department, City of Houston, September-November, 1987. 96pp.

“A Study of Hebrew Phonetic Reading Competence among Junior High Readers. ERIC. [Microform.]


Reviewer, Papers of the Bibliographic Societyof America, 2003

Reviewer, Studies in the Novel, North Texas State University., 1999—.

Reviewer for The McNeese Review, published by McNeese State University, P.O. Box 93465, Lake Charles, LA 70609-5329, <review@mcneese.edu>, Spring 2000—.

Industrial, Professional, or Special Projects

“Netanyahu.” Biographical Encyclopedia of 20th-Century World Leaders. MS 3pp. [A work aimed at high school students. Accepted October 16, 1998].

“Larry Kevan, Research Chemist: Human Catalyst in Teaching and Research.” 1996-1997 Annual Report. Houston: The Energy Laboratory, 1997. 4, 15.

“Emerging Technologies Conference for Impoved Oil and Gas Recovery.” The Energy Laboratory Newsletter, No. 27 (Winter 1991): 10-12.

“New Era in Superconductivity: Materials That Offer No Resistance to Electrical Current at Liquid Nitrogen Temperature and Above: A Staff Report.” The Energy Laboratory Newesletter. No. 17 (Spring 1987): 3-8, 22.

“Survival of Animals Subjected to Cold Environments<‘ Proposal Submitted to the Department of the Navy, Naval Medical Research and Development Command, for the Physicians’ Clinic, July 15, 1986. 31pp.+

“A Drug for Saving Lives in Cold Environments,” Proposal Submitted to the National Institute of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, for the Institute of Specialized Medicine, December 15, 1986. 24pp.

“Emergency Survival in Cold Environments,” Proposal submitted to the Department of the Navy, Naval Medical Research and Development Command, for the Institute of Specialized Medicine, July 15, 1987. Appendix, 173pp.

Plain Writing in Texas State Agencies. Houston: The Energy Laboratory, Univ. of Houston, 1983. 30pp.

“Writing Lists in Technical Documents.” Technical Memorandum 79-2. Houston: The Energy Laboratory, Univ. of Houston, 1979. 26pp.

“Scope Statements in Specifications Writing Standards.” In The Beginning, Middle, and the End of Technical Writing: Papers from MLA-1977. Ed. Albert C. Black and Mary E. Black. Publications on English Word Systems and Traditions, Long Beach, CA: English Department, California State University, 1978. Pp. 17-27.

Editor. Legal Rights and Responsibilities of College Student Publications. By Peter Sandman. Pittsburgh, Pi Delta Epsilon, 1969.


“Assimilating America: The Life and Stories of Isaac Bashevis Singer.” Centenniel celebration of the birth of Isaac Singer. Houston, Cental Library, Wednesday, July 28, 7-9 p.m. [Funded by the National Endowment of the Humanities]

“A Stylometric Study of Variant Literary and Linguistic Patterns in the Works of Daniel Defoe,” South Central Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Shreveport, LA, March 25-27, 1999.

“Defoe, Toby, and the Barbados Slave Trade,” South-Western Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, San-Bernardino, CA, Feb. 19-21, 1999. Dr. Rothman’s paper read in his absence by Dr. David Mazella, Feb. 21, 1999.

“Bergson’s Theory of Irony as the Basis for Magical Realism in the Works of Agnon, Singer, and Canetti,” 12th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, Israel, July 28-August 5, 1997.

“Magical Realism in the Stories of Isaac Bashevis Singer,” Conference of the Association of Jewish Studies, Boston, Mass., Dec. 15-17.

“Annotations to Chapter 85, ‘The Tail,’ in Moby Dick,” May 18, 1995, the Harvard Club, Boston, Massachusetts [fund-raising program for the Boston Chamber Music Society]

“The Barber in Modern Jewish Literature,” Conference of the Association of Jewish Studies, Dec. 17-19, 1996, Boston, Massachusetts

“Rhetorical Trop in Cantos 1 and 5 of Pope’s Rape of the Lock,” SCSECS Meeting, February 24, 1996, New Orleans, Louisiana

Conference attendance, MLA, SCMLA, ASECS, SCSECS, AJP 1967-1995.

Additional Studies

Translated French article from Top Santé  (December 1992) for the projected barber anthology on the French barber-surgeon Ambroise Paré (b. 1510; completed a major amputation of a soldier’s leg in the siege of Damvillers [1522] where he introduced innovative operative procedures).

Distance Learning/ ITV
English 3345: Nobel Prize Winners in Literature [Spring 1998, Spring 199-current9]
English 3312: Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Literature [Fall 1997, Spring 1999-current]
English 3324: Development of the Novel [Spring 1995-current]

English 1304: Methods of Research
English 2305: Introduction to Fiction [New Course Design]
English 2312: Literature and Technology [Course designed for the College of Engineering]
English 2397: Technology and Literature [New Course Design]
English 2303: Survey of English Literature
English 3312: Restoration and Eighteenth Century Literature
English 3313: Restoration and Eighteenth Century Drama
English 3317: The Development of the Novel
English 3327: English Literature from Its Beginnings to the Eighteenth Century
English 3328: English Literature: Romanticism to the Modern Period
English 3341: Business and Professional Writing
English 3345: Nobel Prize Winners in Literature [New Course Design]
English 3396: The Family in Literature [New Course Design]
English 33XX: Computers and the Humanities [New Course Design]

English 6311: Bibliography and Methods of Research
English 7364: Pre-Seminar in Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Literature
English 8352: Swift and Pope
English 8353: Johnson and Boswell
English 8360: The English Novel
English 7396: The Works of William Blake [New Course Design]
English 7396: Historicity in English Literature [New Course Design]
English 7396: The Family in Literature [New Course Design]
English 7396: Nobel Prize Winners in Literature [New Course Design]
English 7396:  Technical Editing and Technical Documentation [New Course Design]

Interactive Television Courses
English 3312: Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Literature
English 3324: Introduction to Fiction
English 3345: Nobel Prize Winners in Literature

Thesis/Dissertation Direction

Ebersbaker, Beth. “Albion’s Curse: A Study of William Blake’s Jerusalem.”  May 2004.

[3rd Reader]. Wilson, Chad. “Hybridity and Allegory.”  [Ph.D.  May 2004.]

Nunes, Ann. “The Literary Influence on Biblical Texts of the Mesopotamian Leadership Sequence.” Ph.D. Diss. Summer 2003.

[2nd Reader]. Michael Skupin. “Merlin in the Works of Edward Arlington Robinson and Laurence Binyon.” Ph.D. Diss. Summer 2003.

Greene. “William Blake and the Jews.” MS Thesis. 2002.

David Auchter, “Lockean Influence in Educational Ideas of the Eighteenth Century, in the Works of Defoe, Sterne, and Rochester,” Ph.D. diss., April 2000.

Linda Boyd, “Folklore in Hawthorne’s Work with an Annotated Bibliography,” Ph.D. diss., November 1999.

Stephen Dornbos, Simon’s Bane [a novel], Senior Honors thesis, November 1999.

Timothy Russell Neal. “The Apollonian, Dionysian, and Chthonian in Ernest Hemingway’s In Our Time,” M.A. thesis, August 1995.

Regina Valdez, “A Rhetorical Study of Mary Astell’s ‘A Serious Proposal to the Ladies,’” M.A. thesis, May 1993.

Deanne Cooke. “A Computer-Based Analysis of Grading-Level Distinctions in Expository Essays.” M.A. thesis, December 1992.

Jennifer Smith, The Serious Reflections by Daniel Defoe [in progress.].

Christina Birchak, “Henry Fielding: Perception in the Drama and the Novel,” Ph.D. Diss., 1984.

Mary Louise Minn Yokley, “The Mask of the Poet: Irony and Ethos in Selected Poems by Daniel Defoe,” Ph.D. Diss. 1980.

Karen Edwards. “Sexual Humor in the Novels of Henry Fielding.” M.A. thesis, l978.

Joan Diffily. “The Rhetoric of Art in the Poetry of Alexander Pope,” M.A. thesis, July 1976.

Bowerman, R. Michael. “Irony in Daniel Defoe’s Political History of the Devil.” In Progress, 1975.

Lap Lee Sun. “The Rhetoric of Voice Change in Defoe’s Minor Novels.” M.A. thesis, l974.

Carol Weaver. “Juvenalian Satire: Rochester to Johnson,” M.A. thesis, 1973.

[Second Reader] Bunny Lee Jones. “The Complementary Relationship between Comic and Serious Plots in Dryden’s Tragicomedies, M.A. thesis, 1972.

Diana D. Green. “Satan’s Labyrinth: A Study of Irony in Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Experience,” M.A. thesis, August 1971.

Gale C. Callely. “The Concept of Stewardship in the Sermons of Jonathan Swift,” M.A. thesis, August 1970.

[2nd reader: William Cobb, Novel: Creative Writing,” Ph.D., 1992; Romanus Muoneke, “The Apocalyptic Vision of Chinua Achebe, Ph.D. , 1991; David Lazar, “The White Car: Personal Essays,” Ph.D., 1989; John Bennion, Novel—A Court of Love, Ph.D., 1989; Duane Franklet, creative writing, Ph.D., 1989, and outside reader in psychology (Avi Raphaeli) and in history (Robert Schwartz).

Honors, Awards, Distinctions

Martha Gano Houstoun Research Professor in Literatrure, 2004-2005

Faculty Service Award 1999, College of Humanities, Fine Arts, and Communication

Outstanding Professor, Sigma Tau Delta, Undergraduate English Honor Society, Univ. of Houston 1995

Ner Tamid Award, “for educating generations on our Rich Jewish Heritage,” (1967-1995), Congregation Beth Yeshurun, January 22, 1995 [education of 16-year-old youngsters in the Hillel High School].

Winner of the Outstanding Teacher Award for Judaic Studies, awarded by the Bureau of Jewish Education of the Jewish Federation of Greater Houston, 1994

Honored Professor, Baptist Student Union, University of Houston, 1994

Top Professor, UH, Mortar Board, University of Houston, 1983-84


Chair, Library Committee, 1998-2000, 2002-03

Opening lecture, Sigma Tau Delta lecture series, Fall 1995 on "Defoe and Slavery"

Lecture on Business Writing, College of Business Entrepreneur Program, February 8, 1996

Member, Library Committee

Director of Graduate Studies in English, University of Houston, 1969-1973

2001-04: Thirteen of Dr. Rothman’s students received University Scholar Awards (one, two consecutive awards), enabling them to engage in individual research or to assist Dr. Rothman in his research. Each was awarded $1000.00 for a semester’s work devoted to a specific project.

Rebecca Coulet, “Collation of Variants in  The Farther Adventures Of Robinson Crusoe” (Spring 2003)
Luke Gilman, “Economics and Defoe’s Stylometrics” (Fall 2002)
Heath Harper, “Classical Annotations of the Poetry of the Port Folio” (Fall 2004)
Richard Lutz, “Paul Heyse,” German Nobel Prize Winner in Literature (Fall 2001)
Tabith Motta, “The Barber in Literature “ (University Scholar Award extended) (Fall 2002, Spring 2002)
Tara Mullee, “Annotations of The Port Folio, an Early American Magazine” (Fall 2002)
Aaron Pavlock, “Editing Variance in the Sixth Edition of Robinson Crusoe” (Spring 2005)
Matthew C. Poston, “Philosophy of Defoe’s Serious Reflections” (Fall 2002)
Jasmine Rosario, “Variants and Collation of  The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, 4th Edn.” (Fall 2004)
Amina Shahid, “Study of the Arabic Urdu Poet Iqbal” (Fall 2002)
Pamela Maddox Stelly, “Editing Editions of Robinson Crusoe” (Spring 2004)
Brandy Towers-Egli, “Preparation of Text for an Anthology of Poetry from The Port Folio” (Fall 2001)
Laura Waddill, “Editing Defoe, 1st and 2nd editions of The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe” (Fall 2002)
Susan E. Wheeler, “Classical Allusions in The Canterbury Tales” (Fall 2004)

Faculty Secretary of the College of Humanities, Fine Arts, and Communication, 1990-92
Grievance Committee, College of Liberal Arts and Social Studies, 2003-05.

University and System
Editor, publications of The Institute for Space Systems Operations [ISSO], Current.

Editor, Y2001 Annual Report of the Institute for Space Systems Operations. Houston: ISSO, 2002. 128pp.

Photographer, Y2000 and Y 2001 Annual Report of the Institute for Space Systems Operations. Houston: ISSO, 2001 and 2002.

Editor, Publications of the Environmental Institute of Houston [EIH], Current

Consulting Editor, The Texas Learning and Computation Center [TLC2], Current

Editor, Publications of the Space Vacuum Epitaxy Center [SVEC], 1987-90.

Editor, Publications of the Energy Laboratory, 1983-1999.

Faculty Secretary-Treasurer, the Omicron Delta Kappa Society, National Leadership Honor Society [responsibility for publication of an alumni newsletter and alumni fundraising, for administration of two faculty discussions each year and two initiations and banquets, plus ancillary activities, such as sponsorship of a Y2000 debate among candidates for the position of Student Association President and a seminar on space research], 1982-present.

Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, University of Houston

Administrative Co-Chair, the 19th Annual Meeting of the South-Central Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Houston, Texas--Holiday Inn Medical Center, February 17-20, 1994. [Responsibilities for organization, fundraising, completion of contracts, and commitments with speaker, musicians, and outside agencies.]

The Common Ground (1988-1996)—A program for the instruction of high school teachers
Dr. Rothman was one of the original “Houston 8,” comprising eight faculty members in the Department of English involved in an influential relationship with high school teachers in the Houston metropolitan area to match books in the traditional canon with books one could relate from ethnic or minority literature. This group met two weeks each summer with a selected number of teachers from various school districts, including the Houston Independent School District. The program consisted of reading books in pairs and discussing literary relationships. This program infused life into the traditional teaching program of the high schools and allowed teachers a summer opportunity to read texts new to them.  Two aspects of Dr. Rothman’s teaching caught their attention. Teachers asked if they could adopt his outline for assessment, which he distributed to undergraduates in preparation for in-class presentations. The detailed outline, prepared beforehand, gave teachers and students the capability and confidence to deliver comprehensive in-class presentations. Secondly, they adopted the acronym he utilizes in his teaching the GREASES to cover a wealth of material, demonstrating the wide range of literary matter. The GREASES asks that literature be studied for the values it can provide and information it offers in the areas of Government, Religion, Economics, Art and Aesthetics, Science and Technology, Education, and Social Behavior. Both methodologies are being used by teachers in the public school system. Dr. Rothman also designed a datasearch component of the seminars, which taught the teachers how to use the Electronic Publications Center of the library for documentation. The Common Ground was headed by the principal investigator James Pipkin, Associate Dean and Dean, HFAC,  and, later, by William Monroe, Associate Dean of the Honors College. Dr. Rothman’s involvement has been limited since 1996 because of reduced funding and his involvement in overseas travel and the scientific institutes. [Sample course outline attached.]

The Houston Editing Desk. Design Patent 249,214. September 5, 1978. Patent Office, U. S. Department of Commerce.

National Endowment of the Humantiies
“Stylometic Analysis: Testing the Defoe Canon.” Submitted 2000. [Unfunded].
“Stylometric Analysis: Testing the Defoe Canon.” Submitted 2001. [Unfunded.].
“Sylometric Analyhsis: Testing the  Defoe Canon.” $125,000.  “ Submitted 2003. [Notification Pending.]

GEAR [Grant to enhance advanced reserch]. University of Houston. “Testing the Defoe Canon” for the initiation of a ten-million-word study of Defoe attribution compared to a Ten Million-Word-Study of Defoe’s Eighteenth-Century Contemporaries, 1697-1731.With Dr. Rakesh Verma, Department of Computer Science, and Dr. Thomas Woodell, Department of English/Linguistics.”  $20,000.

UH Small Grants Program

2000-2001          “Poetry in the Philadelphia Port Folio during the Editorship of Joseph Dennie (1801-1812). September 2000-August 8, 2001. $1500.00.

“Reproductions of Texts Needed for Stylistics and Textual Analysis.” 2001-2002. $1500.00.

UH LGIA Grants
Dr. Rothman is the recipient of LGIA grants that have enabled him to pursue several projects and have, in particular, provided him with support for graduate students.


"A Stylometric Study of Variant Styles of Prose by Daniel Defoe." $2000.00


Magical Realism in the Works of Jewish Nobel Prize Winners in Literature," $2000.00


"Plotting Rhetorical Trope Through the Plett Chart," a project leading to articles in preparation on the first book of Paradise Lost and the initial 20 lines on each of the five cantos of Alexander Pope's Rape of the Lock . $2,000.00.


"Reassessment of Printing History of Robinson Crusoe and Modern Collation of the Text," $2,000.00.


"Current Research Projects on Editing the Works of Daniel Defoe and The Port Folio ," $1200.00.


"Textual and Descriptive Bibliography in Daniel Defoe's The Family Instructor , $2000.00.


"The Barber in Literature" [21 items], $800.00


"A Literary Biography of Joseph Dennie and Critical Commentary of The Port Folio ," $500 (unfunded).

Dated   October 6, 2004