Some Books which Can Be Used for a Project

Crick, F.  The Astonishing Hypothesis:  The Scientific Search for the Soul,  Simon & Sschuster, 1994.

Damasio, A.  Descartes' Error: Emotion Reason and the Human Brain,  Putnam, 1994.

Dawkins, R.  The Selfish Gene,  Oxford University Press, 1976.

Dennett, D.  Elbow Room: The Varieties of Free Will Worth Wanting,  MIT Press, 1984.

Dreyfus, H.  What Computers Can't Do, 2nd edition,  Harper& Row 1979.

Gazzaniga, M. S.  Nature's Mind: The Biological Roots of Thinking, Emotion, Sexuality, Language and Intelligence,  Basic Books, 1992.

Hauser, M.  The Evolution of Communication, MIT Press, 1996.

Johnson, Victor, S.  Why We Feel,  Helix Books, 1999.

Pinker, S.  The Language Instinct,  Harper Collins, 1994.

Ramachandran, V. S. and Blakeslee, S.  Phantoms in the Brain,  William Morrow, 1998.