Argument Structure Exercises (Sample)
Create structure diagrams for each passage. Add and subtract words from each used sentence where needed. Answers are found below each exercise.

1. 9< 7{ 1[Wealth is not sought] except 2[for the sake of something else]} because
8{ 3[of itself it brings us no good,] but 6{ 4[only when we use it whether for the support of the body] or 5[for some similar purpose]}}>. 12{ Now 10[the highest good is sought for its own] and 11[not for another's sake.]} Therefore 13[wealth is not man's highest good.]

2. 5< 4{ 1[Unlike land-based balistic missles], 2[submarine launched missles are difficult to locate accurately]} hence 3[they are essentially invulnerable to a preemptive counterattack]>. 10< Moreover, 9{ 6[submarine launched missles by virtue of their range and mobility] 7[are capable of launching an attack from many different directions]}, thereby 8[seriously complicating defensive measures against them]>. 11[Land based missles do not have this advantage.] 12[In short, submarine launched missles are a better than land based missles as a deterrent force against nuclear attack.]

3. 3{ 1[It is sometimes said that space is empty,] 2[which means presumably that there is nothing between two stars.]} But 8< 6{ if 4[there is nothing between two stars] then 5[they are not separated by anything]} and thus 7[they must be right up against one another, perhaps forming some peculiar sort of double star.]> 11{ 9[We know this is not the case, of course], so it follows that 10[ space isn't empty after all.]}

Note that to give a correct analysis, 3 needs to be modified to:
3{Space is empty means there is nothing between two stars}

Note that to give a correct analysis,7 must be modified to:
7 [IF THERE IS NOTHING BETWEEN TWO STARS, THEN they must be right up against eachother, perhaps forming some peculiar sort of double star.]

You might also fix up 7 this way:

7 [IF THEY ARE NOT SEPARATED BY ANYTHING, THEN they must be right up against eachother, perhaps forming some peculiar sort of double star.]

Using this version of 7, the answer is: