Feminist Philosophy/Freeland

Phil. 3356/6356 Fall 2012



Feminist Analysis or Critique


2 critiques x 5 points each    10% of final grade


Comments:  The topic will be suggested in advance; it will involve writing a feminist analysis or critique of something in the news or the media (film, TV show, etc.). Note that the second critique must involve a topic that is related to Unit Five on feminism in science.  The critique should be typed; the length guide is 1- 2 pages. The critique can assume an informal tone (like a blog entry) but it should use correct grammar, spelling, etc.  Submit via Blackboard Vista. Late papers will be marked down.


Critique #1 Due October 1

The topic is open, but should focus on something in the public forum such as a news event, media item, etc. The paper should make at least some use of the ideas presented in the readings on feminist theory and method and/or liberal feminism and its critics.


A Few Options worth Exploring (especially for philosophy majors/grad students)


 What Is it Like to be a Woman in Philosophy?



Feminist Philosophers Blog (lots of topics, changes daily)
