Request a Presentation - University of Houston
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UH Wellness is available to present to the campus community (faculty, staff, and students) - be it a student organization meeting, class lecture, or a faculty/staff meeting.  Each traditional presentation/workshop is approximately 45 minutes to one hour, but we can be flexible around what is being requested. Please allow a minimum of two weeks advance notice for requests. You must have a minimum of at least 10 people in attendance.

The following are the presentation topics available. If the topic you would like is not listed, please contact Katie Dash, Health Promotion Specialist of UH Wellness, at directly.

General College Health: A workshop that gives a basic overview of our four main topic areas: alcohol & drugs, sexual health, mental well-being, and exercise/ physical activity

Substance Use (Alcohol & Drugs): An introduction to the effects of three of the most commonly used drugs at UH: alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco. This workshop also touches on decision making and risk reduction strategies for drug use.

Mental Health & Well-Being: An introduction to stress and stress reduction. This workshop also touches on the importance of sleep, how to increase sleep, and time management basics.

Physical Activity & Nutrition: An introduction on the importance of how to eat a varied and nutritious diet and how to stay physically active in college. This workshop also provides on and off campus resources around these topics.

Sexual Health & Healthy Sexuality: An introduction to safer sexual health practices, including information about sexual anatomy, pregnancy and sexual transmitted disease prevention (including information about birth control), and consent and sexual violence prevention.

Healthy Relationships & Consent (including Sexual Assault Prevention): An introduction for how to healthier romantic and non-romantic relationships, including open communication, asking for consent, and communication around boundaries. This workshop also touches on issues of gender and masculinity.

Bystander Intervention - Mental Health/ Sexual Assault: This bystander intervention workshop focuses on give individuals the tools to identify and “step up” and step in when they see a scenario that may need intervention.

Please complete your request by clicking the "Request a Presentation" button below. You will be asked to identify your group, the number to whom we would be speaking, the topic, and the date, time of day, and where the presentation would be. 

Request a Presentation


To inquire about off-campus presentations or training, please inquire with Katie Dash, Health Promotion Specialist of UH Wellness, at

Presentation Topics

  • Fitness and Nutrition
    • Healthy Eating
    • Physical Fitness
    • Well Bod
    • Sleep 
  • Sexual & Reproductive Health
    • Sexuality
    • Healthy Relationships
    • HIV and STIs
    • Safe Sex Practices 
  • Injury and Violence Prevention
    • Conflict and Conflict Resolution
    • Sexual Assault Prevention
    • Consent 
    • Bystander Intervention 
  • Substance Abuse
    • IMAGE
    • Alcohol Abuse
    • Drug Abuse
  • Mental Health & Disorder
    • Stress and Time Management
    • Relaxation
    • Mindfulness 
    • Mental Health First Aid