TNA SP12/1, 12

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TNA SP 12/1, 12 f.35

[Transcribed by Helen Good]

[f.35] The names of the capitain gunners and souldiers appointed to serve at the Blockhowse at Eastmersey in the county of Essex which are unpayde for their wages from the first daye of July Anno Rex et Rigine Phillippi et Marie v o et vj to unto the last daye of November in the first yere of the Reigne of our sovereigne lady Elizabeth by the grace of god Quene of Englande Fraunce and Irelande &c that is to saye for ffyve monethes and thirtene days as followeth

First Edwarde Lambarte capitain there for his wages in doinge servyce there for a monethes and xiij dayes at ij s the daye . . xv li vjs

John Pollarde and Phillipp Gyll gunners for their wages for the saide v monethes and xiij dayes at viijd the day every of them . . x li iiij s

Richard Lambart and Myles Woodlaw sowdiers for their wages these at viijd the daye everye of them for the saide v monethes and xiij dayes . . x li iiij s Somme totalis . . . xxxv li xiiij s

[f.35v.] [Label] Captaynes and gooners of blockhowses in essex