STAC Coventry

From Waalt

B Bill of Complaint Dr Demurrer A Answer Rn Replication Rr Rejoinder C Commission I Interrogatories D Deposition

Coventry, Bishop of

  • STAC 5/C45/10 - B - 18 Eliz - Thomas Bishop of Coven[try] v Thomas Allott, Elizabeth Allott, James Walker, Margaret Walker et al

Coventry, Bishop of

  • STAC 5/C61/12 - I D - 38 Eliz - Staffordshire - Bishop of Coventry & Litchfield v Walter Littleton, Thomas Clarke et al

Coventry, City of

  • STAC 5/C59/13 - I D - 23 Eliz - Warwickshire - Mayor, Bailiffs & Commonalty of the City of Coventry v Arthur Gregory, Edmond Gregory
  • STAC 5/C48/7 - I D - 24 Eliz - Warwickshire - Mayor & Commonalty of the City of Coventry v Arthur Gregory, Edmond Gregory
  • STAC 5/C69/30 - C I D - 25 Eliz- Warwickshire - Mayor Bailiffs & Commonalty of the City of Coventry, v Arthur Gregory, Edmund Gregory

Notes, Additions and Corrections