STAC 5/R1/37

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STAC 5/R1/37 - B - 40 Eliz - Yorkshire - John Robinson v John Aske, John Redman, Christopher Ashe et al see STAC Robinson

Transcribed to Helen Good

To the Queenes most excellent Majestie

In most humble wise Complayning sheweth unto your Majestie your Majesties most dutifull and obedient Subject John Robinson the elder of your Majesties Citie of London marchant of the Staple of England. That whereas in the moneth of September in the Eight and Thirteth yeare of the Raigne of your Majestie there was a certaine Communicaion and speeche moved and had between your saide Subject and one John Aske of Ryder in the Countie of Yorke Esquire for the having and buying of him the saide John Aske the Mannor of Dighton the monastery of Ellerton the Priorie of Thirkhead and certaine landes in Cottingwith and Thurgomby all which premisses are sett leyeng and being in the County aforesaid for which said purchase your said subject was to paie unto the said John Aske the summe of two thowsand fyve hundred & fiftie powndes of Lawfull mony of England. And whereas your said Subject was somewhat in dowbt to procede in the saide purchase & to disburse soe great a summe of mony for that the estate of the said John Aske was to him unknowne but yet being animated & in couraged by one John Redman of Waterfulforth in the County aforesaid Esquire who was a dryver of thesaid bargaine & a dealer therein betweene your said subject & the said John Aske for that the saide John Aske as the said John Redman affirmed unto your said subject had landes to the yearely value of six hundred powndes over & above the said Land by him to be sold by your said subject did proceedein the said purchase & did well & honestlie paie unto the said John Aske the said summe of two thowsand fyve hundred & fiftie powndes for the same& took from the said John Aske an Indenture of bargayne & sale of the premisses with a Covenante therein incerted for a forther assureance ofthe same which saide Indentures were drawne by the advice of one Christopher Ashe & sealed & delyvered unto your said subject in the presence of the saidChristopher Ashe & one Thomas Badger. And whereas your said subject should have had the said John Aske to him bownd in certaine Recognizances of the nature of a statute staple for the sure performing of the Covenantes mencioned in the saide Indentures the saide John Redman Christopher Ashe & Thomas Badger desired your said subject to forbeare sometyme for the acknowledging of the said recognizances for that as they affirmed the said John Aske by reason of some trouble hee then was in durst not at that present goe before either the Lord Chief Justice of England or the Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Comon Pleas for acknowledging of the same but in short tyme after should and would acknowledge the same which your saide subjecte doubting nothing assented unto. But soe it is it may like your majestie that presently after the departure of your said subject and before hee could gett the saide John Aske to acknowledge his saide Recognizances the saide John Aske by the practice & confederacy of the saide John Redman Christopher Ashe and Thomas Badger, and of one Richard Brackinburie conveyed and die away all the residue of his saide Landes tenementes and hereditamentes unto the said Christopher Ashe & dyvers other of trust & to the intent to defraude your saide subject, and dowbting least that device would scarce serve his turne did enter into dyvers Recognyzances of meere frawde and covin wherein hee is become bownde in the summe of Twenty and nyne thowsand powndes as namely unto the said Richard Brackenburie in three severall statutes the one acknowledged the fifteenth of November in the eight and thirteth yeare of your highnes Raigne in the summe of eight thowsand powndes and one other dated the five and twenteth of the saide moneth of November of six thowsand powndes & one other of the summe of two thowsand powndes dated the three and twenteth of the saide moneth of November, and two other to the saide John Redman of the summe of fower thowsand powndes a peece dated the sixtenth day of the saide moneth of November, and one other in the summe of fyve thowsand pownd powndes acknowledged the thirtenth day of the saide moneth of November to one Raphe Babthorpe meaning that if the saide conveyance & assureance of his saide landes could not prevent your said subject but that his saide Recognizances by him at the Last acknowledged for the enjoyeing of his saide purchase might be thereon extended that yet not with standing the severall recognizances acknowled as aforesaide before his shoulde bee extended upon the residue of the saide Landes which the saide John Aske left to him self when your said subject made his said purchase and soe prevent your saide subject of his due execucion yf hee should have occasion for the not enjoyeing of his said purchare to extende his Recognizances, which said plott was thus devised only to cosen and disceave your saide subject. In tender consideracion whereof and for asmuche as noe man can well tell howe to enjoy his owne or to deale in buyeing & bargayning for any thing if offenders of this sort quantytie and condicion shoulde not bee dulie punished. Maie it therefor please your majestie the premisses considered to graunt your majesties written writtes of Subpena to bee directed unto the sade John Aske John Redman Christopher Ashe Richard Brakenburie and Thomas Badger, Comaunding them by a day certaine and under a payne therein to be limitted personallie to appeare before your Majestie in your majesties High Court of Starre Chamber then and there to awnswer the premisses, and to stand to and abyde such further order and direction therin as as to your Majesties most Honorable Privy Cowncell shall seeme meete and convenyenent. And your saide subject according to his bownden duty shall daielie pray for your majestie long to lyve and happlilie to Reigne over us