STAC 5/O7/34

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Court of Star Chamber:

Cuthbert Ogle v William Collingewood late of Barton, Northumberland, gent, Thomas Collingewood late of Thorneton, gent, Robert Collingewood and Mathewe Collingewood late of Estlington, gent, Henry Smythe, Richard Benbrick, Edwarde Spynke, John Smythe, William White, John Erden thelder, John Browne, John Hudson, John Erden the younger, Roger Moffett and John Moffett of Estlington, yeomen, Thomas Reade late of Ryle, yeoman, John Nichollson, John Perrott, Thomas Mairtland, Edward Atkinson, James Modye, Robert Taylor, James Anderson, Roger Swanne, John Dicheborne, Edwarde Browne, Thomas Nichollson, Bartram Armestronge, Richard Trollop, George Patterson, John Read, Roberte Anderson, Robt Stevenson, John Wawker, Thomas Collingewood of Tytlington gent, Roger Hunter, John Hopper, Edward Stanford, Willm Morris, Richard Gart, John Hunter, William Robbinson, Edward Hopper, John Dichborne, John Stevenson, Robert Hale, John Hale et al

Transcript: Dave King

Bill of complaint:

dated on reverse: R oct Martini 1574

To the Quenes moste excellente Maiestie

Humblie Complayninge, Sheweth and enformithe unto youre most excellent ma[jes]tie youre humble faithfull and obediente Subiecte Cuthbert Ogle gent, dailie attendannte at Islyngton w[i]thin the countie of Middx uppon Sir Henry Percy knighte, and s[e]rvannte unto the said Sir Henry That wheras youre said subiecte was and yet is lawfully possessed for certen yeres yet to come of and in the Rectorie and personage of Eglingham w[i]thin the countie of Northumberland and of the Teithes of corne unto the said Rectorie belonginge and apperteyninge under the demise therof had and made by youre highenes unto one Margerie Ogle deceassed mother of youre said subiecte for certen yeres yet to come Of whiche Rectorie and parsonage, and of the proffitts and comodities therof: and of the teithe corne belonginge unto the same: youre said subiecte was lawfullie possessed And so beinge therof possessed did in most peaceable and quyet manner take the Issues {erased - and proffits} therof untill the xxvjth daie of September last past That one William Collingewood late of Barton w[i]thin the said countie of Northumberland gent Thomas Collingewood late of Thorneton w[i]thin the said Countie of Northumberland gent Robert Collingewood and Mathewe Collingewood late of Estlington w[i]thin the said countie of Northumberlande gent, Henry Smythe, Richard Benbrick, Edwarde Spynke, John Smythe, William White, John Erden thelder, John Browne John Hudson John Erden the younger, Roger Moffett and John Moffett of Estlington aforesaide in the said countie of Northumberlande yeomen, Thomas Reade late of Ryle w[i]thin the said countie of Northumberlande yeoman, John Nichollson, John Perrott, Thomas Mairtland, Edward Atkinson, James Modye, Robert Taylor, James Anderson, Roger Swanne, John Dicheborne, Edwarde Browne, Thomas Nichollson Bartram Armestronge, Richard Trollop George Patterson, John Read Roberte Anderson Robt Stevenson, John Wawker, Thomas Collingewood of Tytlington gent Roger Hunter, John Hopper, Edward Stanford, Willm Morris Richard Gart, John Hunter, William Robbinson, Edward Hopper, John Dichborne, John Stevenson Robert Hale, John Hale, and dyverse other to the nu[m]ber of fowerscore persons or therabowtes, unto youre said subiecte as yet unknowen by the procurement of Sr Cuthbt Collingwood knight not having the feare of god before their eyes nor regardinge the penalties of youre ma[jesties] lawes and statutes but in contempt of the same and of your highenes crowne and dignitie and to the breache of your ma[jesties] peace the said xxvjth daie of September last paste beinge armed and arrayed w[i]th bills longe piked staves speares Javelings bowes arrowes and other warlike weapons aswell defensive as invasive did in most ryottowse manner assemble themselves together at Branden w[i]thin the said countie of Northumberlande, And beinge so assembled then and there did breake up the barne of your said subiecte: scituate and beinge in Branden aforsaid And the[n] and there in most riottowse and forcible manner did take and carry awaye owt of the said barne, threescore thraves of wheate and Rye and threescore thraves of big otherwise barley and threescore thraves of otes and pease of the proper goodes of youre said subiecte then and there beinge And the said ryotowse persons not beinge herew[i]th contented but in further contempt of your ma[jesties] Lawes and statutes did the same xxvjth day of September repaire and in like riottowse and forcible manner assemble themselves together at Brampton w[i]thin the said Countie of Northumberland, And so being assembled then and there did in most riottowse and forcible manner take awaie the teithe corne of your said subiecte (being sett owte from the nynthe parte and being laied in a certen close at Brampton aforesaid for and to the [?behouf?] of your said subiecte) And the said Riottowse persons beinge not therw[i]th contented And being assembled at Brampton as aforsaid then and there in most forcible and vyolint manner did breake up one barne of one Jane Fenwyk at Brampton aforsaid and then .... did take owte of the said barne of the proper goodes of youre said subiecte Fowerscore thraves of wheate and rye and fowerscore thraves of [bi]g, otherwise barley and fowerscore thraves of otes and pease. And the same then and there did take and carrie awaye, And did beate wounde and evill entreate the said Jane Fenwyck so that s[he th]e said Jane was in greate p[er]ill of hir lief whiche their said ryott rowte unlawfull assemblie and myssdemean[ors] aforsaid ys not only contrarie to y[our] [majesties] Lawes and Statutes and against your highenes peace crowne and dignitie But wilbe to the perilowes example of many others to comytt the like [offences] yf seveare and condigne punishement be not in this case [?spedilie?] had and provided Maie it therfore please your maiestie of your accustomed [?clemency?] (the premisses considered) for to grannte your highenes most graciowse writt of Subpena to be directed unto the said William Collingewood, Thom[as] Collingewood and Mathewe Collingwood gent Henry Smyth Richard Benbrick, Edward Spynke John Smythe William White J[ohn] Ersden thelder, John Browne John Hudson John Ersden the yonger Roger Moffett, John Moffitt Thomas Reade, John Nichollson John Perrett Th[oma]s Mairtland Edward Atkinson, James Mody Robt Tailor James Anderson Roger Swanne, John Dicheborne ... ...ard Browne Thomas Nichollson Bartram Armestronge Richard Trollop George Patterson John Read, Robert Anderson Robt Steven[son] John Walker, Thomas Collingewood of Tyt....ton gent, Roger Hunter John Hopper Edward Stawford Willm Morris, Richard Gare, John Hunter William Robbinson Edward Hopper, John Dicheborne, John [S]tevenson Robert Hale and to the said Sir Cutbt Collingewood knight and to everie of them Comannding them and everie of them therby at a ce[rt]en daie and under a certen peyne therin by your moste excellent maiestie to be lymytted personallie for to appeare before your ma[jestie] in your highe Cowrte of Sterre chamber then and there for to answ[er] to the premisses and to stand to and abide suche further order and directon therin as to the Lordes of your ma[jesties] privie counsell shalbe thought mete and convenyent in that behalf And youre said humble subiecte accordinge to his bounden dewtie shall daily praie unto god for the preservacon of youre moste royall ma[jestie] in most happie falicytie full Longe over us to Reigne/

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