STAC 5/H28/1r

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Les reportes del cases in Camera Stellata, 1593 to 1609 from the original ms. of John Hawarde edited by William Paley Baildon Published 1894 Page 69

In Camera Stellata, coram conslllo ibidem, die Veneris, 11° Februar. Elizab. 39, termino Hillarij.

Rowlande Hille, plaintiff, against [blank] Corbette for riot in this manner: by commanding his servants to challenge Hille and terrify him in his house, being [Corbettes] tenant; and it had no effect; but for this he [Corbette] was fined £40, and his servants £100 each, sentence Quicquid est extra causam est in persona, and so iudicium est suspiciosum et temerariium.

see STAC Hill