STAC 5/A32/38r

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Les reportes del cases in Camera Stellata, 1593 to 1609 from the original ms. of John Hawarde edited by William Paley Baildon Published 1894 Pages 39-40

In Camera Stellata, 29 April, 1596, 38 Elizabeth.

Kuke, the Queens Attorney, moved against three for slanderous words against the Lord Admiral and the Earl of Essexe, but he proceeded only against one Smithe, on Slanderous news his confession, for spreadinge sclaunderous newes. He laid his information under the statutes of 3 Edward I and [1 & 2] Philip and Mary, and [said] that without law the Councillors could punish these offences in this Court at their discretion. Smithe had confessed that he, being a pressed soldier at Dover, and the news being there that the Spaniards were on the sea (which was false, for they were Hollanders and friends of the Queen), they were shipte, bu as it turned out to be Grave Morris they were dismissed; and he came to London, and reported that the news was throughout the soldiers that the Lord Admirals shippe [Page 40] beinge searchte by the Erle of Essexe & openinge divers barrelles, wherein he supposed to have bene gunpowder, he fownde ashes, duste & sande, & thereupon he Called him Traitor, and so theye Came bothe to the Cowrte, & there the Erle of Essexe & the Erle of Cumberlande before the Queene tooke the Lord Admiralle by the Berde & sayde "ah thou Traytor "; & this Smithe, traveylinge by Windsor, Called at the howse of a Justice of Peace thereby for drinke, and reportinge the like there, was by the gentleman himselfe apprehended, for which he was greately Commended; & Smithe was sentenced per totam Curiam to loose one of his eares upon the pillorie at Westminster, the other at Windsor, to be whipped, & to have a paper one his heade Contayning the wordes, & imprisoned duringe pleasure, & fined 20 li, which showlde have bene farre greater but for his baseness, beinge a peasante & a boye. The Lo. Keeper, then Sir John Puckringe, Cowld not be presente lyinge daungerousely sicke of a deade palsye.

See also STAC Smith, J