CP 154, 37

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The Cecil Papers at Hatfield House

CP Volume 154 Folio 37
HMC Volume 1 Page 284 Number 941
Haynes Page 406 Number 408

Transcribed by Samuel Haynes in “A Collection of State Papers . . . 1542 to 1570” London, 1740

5 Nov 1563 To the Lord Cobham

By the QUEEN.
RIGHT trusty and welbeloved, we greete yow well. And whereas for the Ease of owr Suiects and those of France, taken Prisoners upon or otherwise, during the Tyme of the present Tearmes betwixt us and that Rea it is thought good that certein Persons shulde be lycensed and warrantied on either Paro resorte to and from, to compoud for the Rannsome of the same Prisoners; for which Purpose, Sieur de la Malleraye Governar of Depe, and Viceadmyrall of France hath by the King his Masters authorite, gyven his Lettres of saf Conduct to some of our Subjects of our Port of Rye, to resorte to certein Townes upon the Coasts of Normandy and Picardy, freely and surely with on Shippe not exceeding the Burden of twent-five Tons: We mynding to have the lyke done for the Consideration abovesaid by yow our Warden of our five Ports, do will and authorize you by these Presents to gyve furth Lettres of safe Conduit by our Autorite, under yowr Hande, to such and as many of Depe, as you shall judg sufficient to serve for the said Purpose of Prisoners; lymyting therin such Vessel, so furnished, and with such Nombres of Persons, as is meete for this Cause, and not to attempt any Exploit; wherin you may have Consideration, what is ordred by the said la Malleraye. And these Lettres shalbe yowr Warrant in this behalf.
Geven, &c. at Windsor 6th die Novembris Regni Nostri.