CP 152, 64

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CP Volume 152 Folio 64

HMC Volume 1 Page 190 Number 633

Haynes Page 258 Number 239

Transcribed by Samuel Haynes in “A Collection of State Papers . . . 1542 to 1570” London, 1740

9 March 1559 The Queen to the Duke of Norfolk

From a Minute of Secretary Cecill.

RIGHT trusty and right entierly belouid Cousin, we greete you well. Where we perceaue amongest other Things both written to our Counsaile, and reported by Sir Nicholas L'Estrange and Edward Randall, that ye haue accorded with the Lords of Scotlande to meete the Powre of England, at a Place called Achinsion's Hauen the 25th of this present Monethe, we haue thought meete to lett you understand with speede, that, at this present, we haue receaued a Message from the Frenche King, tending in Words to reforme all the Injuries don to us, and to make an accorde with us for the same, and to leave Scotland free from danger of Conquest; so as for Aunswear therof, we haue gyven Daye to the Frenche untill the 20th of this Monethe for a Beginning to withdrawe his Force, and to the 24th for withdrawing a thirde Parte, and to the 28th for a halfe Parte, and to the second of April for the whole. Wherupon we see it mete, that the Appoyntment with the Lords of Scotland weare differred from the 25th to the 31st, because ye shall not nede therby to put any power into Scotland before the 27th or 28th; before which tyme if they will com to any reasonable accorde meete for this our Realme to receaue, it shall be then necessary to forbear the Entry. And if it shall appeare that herin they meane but to abuse us, and to gayne Tyme, then may the Entry be convenient the 27th or 28th. And the meane Season it is necessary that nothing be omitted of any Parte, that may tende to make our Army ready agaynst the sayde Tyme; for therby, if accorde shall followe, the Frenche will sooner agree, and more prositable for us. We haue, also, uppon request of the French, accorded, that our Shippes shuld attempt nothing ageynst the French which be already in Scotland, except they shuld be therto provoked. And so we praye you gyve Charge to William Wynter, willing him so to use hymselfe; and yet not to forbeare the staye of any manner of newe Succors, that may come thither by Sea, but therin to doo, as he hath hitherto doone.