CP 138, 42

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Cecil Papers Vol 138 f.42

HMC Vol 1 Page 192 Number 635

Haynes, Page 261 Number 241

Transcribed by Samuel Haynes in “A Collection of State Papers . . . 1542 to 1570” London, 1740

From the D. of Norfolk's Book of Entries.

12 March 1559 From my Lord his Grace to Mr. Secretarye

I HAVE received, good Mr. Secretorye your freendle Lettre of the 9th of this present, whereby I do perceive your freendly Care of my well procedinge in all at the Queene's Majestie's Affayres here; and howe muche you do wishe the good Effects of all Things, that may eyther touche my Honour or Safftye: The whiche, I cann no weys reaquyte, but with myn assured Freendshippe and good Will towards you; of the whiche you may be sure, you shall never fynd Wante. As concerning the Choise of this Jorney, to annswer, whether I woll requyre to goo my selfe, or else that it shuld goo forward according to the former Appointment, I assure you I have lerned one Principall, never at the Princes Hands to seeke Chardge, nor never to refuse what yt shall please hym to commaunde me. The Reasons that leade me to seeke non, be thes: First, Unhabylytie that I fynd in myself. Secondly, that I am not furnished, so well as I wold wishe, for the Princes Honour towards suche a Journey. Thirdly and chiefly for feare, lest, if the Journey shuld not procede according to myn ernest good Will, it might be seid that and yf I had not craved yt, som one of better Experience and Conduct might have ben chosen, wherby the Successe might have better succeaded. On the Contraye Part I never mynd to refuse: Partly for that yt becometh me nott, to judge what Occasions causeth the Prince to chuse me, being so unapte, though he mynde to supply all my Wants; as also because I am borne to lyve and dye in his Quarrell, and fullfyll his Commaundment (my Dewty to Godd being sett apart) in all Kind of Things, it shall please hym to commaund. Whiche Things (good Mr. Secretarye) being weyed maketh me to remeyne, till I receive Aunswer of this my Lettre, furnyshing myself according to my poore habylytie, eyther to tarrye, or goo, as it shall please the Quene's Majestie to commaund; having nothing for suche a Journey yet ready, but Tents onley. Thus comytting myself and all my Proceding to your Wisdom; assuring you that whatsoever the Quene's Highnes shall commande me to doo, during my Life, I woll eyther accomplishe, or else it shalbe seen that care of myn own Carcasse is not the lett thereof. I bydd you, &c.

Tho. Norffolk.