CP 138, 34b

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CP Volume 138 Folio 34(b)

HMC Volume 1 Page 220 Number 702

Haynes Page 305 Number 303

Transcribed by Samuel Haynes in “A Collection of State Papers . . . 1542 to 1570” London, 1740

13 May 1560 From my Lord his Grace to Mr. Secretarie

From the D. of Norfolk's Book of Entries.

I THOUGHT good to advertise you from Tyme to Tyme (good Mr. Secretarie) of our hoole Proceedings here, and the rather for that I see howe acceptable my Lettres be unto you. And if I had not sent suche Messengers unto you, as I trasted, with the Reporte of my hoole Mynde, two or three Shets of Paper wold not have suffised me to have declared the hoole fond Doings of those, that have the Chardge, by the Quene's Majesty's Commaundment, in Scotland; but for that both Sir Henry Peirce and Sir N. Straunge are fully instructed of the hoole Circumstaunces, I woll trouble you no further with so unpleasant a Matter, but only with wisshinge, that Godd had ben, and were better served, then he hath ben hetherto in the Filde. Nowe to tell you of our present State here, I receaved yesterdale a Lettre from Mr. Sadler, which I send you herewith, in whiche he requyreth me to send Mr. Leeks five hundred Men to the Campe presently. It seamed harde to me that any Necessytie shuld cause this Towne to be lefte so unfurnyshed, as that, of the two thousand, ther shuld be lefte but on hundreth: Yet for that they shuld see for their better incouraging, that I wold helpe them with all their request to the uttermost, I have this Daie sent Mr. Leek thither with his Men, and am fayne to furnysshe this Towne, for a Tyme, whilst more Men be com, (whiche you knowe I have alredy sent for) with Horsemen of the Borders; whiche is but a weke Deffence, if the Ennemye were hable to doo any hurte, of the whiche, for so lytell a Tyme we have no grete feare. Thus longing till I here from you, I bydd you most hartely farewell. The best Newes here is, that the Scotts do not seame to dysmaye upon this chaunce. From Barwyck.

Tho. Norffolk.