CP 138, 32c

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CP Volume 138 Folio 32(c)

HMC Volume 1 Page 216 Number 689

Haynes Page 301 Number 296

Transcribed by Samuel Haynes in “A Collection of State Papers . . . 1542 to 1570” London, 1740

1 May 1560 From my Lord his Grace to Mr. Secretarye

From the Duke of Norfolks Book of Entries.

I SEND you herwith a Lettre from my Lord Graie, wherby you may perceave whatt forwardnes we nowe are in, and also howe they think now good to differ all other Things, till Lythe be broughte to good ende, whiche, I hope in Godd, shall shortely fall to som good passe. My Lord Graye writethe in the Ende of his Lettre, that he hath not ben aunswered concernyng the Quene's Majestie's Relinquisshment of here Leauge and Pleggs of Scotland; to the whiche, althoughe I hadd no Commyssion to give hym directe Aunswerr, yet I willed hym in no Caase, to deal with that Matter, till we knowe further of the Quene's Majestie's Pleasure: And yet I wold be loothe to heare that here Majestie woll give Place to that their Request. The Bishop of Valence arrived here yesternight, and somwaies did infringe his saffconducte, for where his Passporte did extende but for eight or ten Daies, he returned not before the 11th; and if he be so colerycke at his commyng to the Courte, as he hath ben here, you may sowne putt hym to sylence, with sayeng, that, if extremytie were taken, he might be a suffycyent Prisoner. But I referr the hoole Declaration of the Matter unto Mr. Killigrew's Reporte, who I thinke woll so prolonge the Jorney by the Waie, as he shall not arrive ther yet thes three Daies. When Chapperon comethe, I woll be so bold to staye hym foure or five Daies; and yet yt shalbe clenly handelled. The Lord Hume is cum in with som other of the Marches, to the Number of three hundred Horses. As other Occurraunts shall fall out, you shalbe sure, to be advertised. I thinke the last Masse of Treasure, woll not make full Paye for too Monethes, considering the Chardge, that woll arise by the Bandes, that be interteigned of the Scotts; and also for that my Lord Graye woll in no Caase graunte to the dysmyssing of any of the Horses, And so, &c.

Thomas Norffolk.