CP 138, 17d

From Waalt

CP Vol 138 f.17-19

HMC Vol 1 p 176 No 609

Haynes Page 235 Number 215

Transcribed by Samuel Haynes in “A Collection of State Papers . . . 1542 to 1570” London, 1740
 2 Feb 1559 From my Lord his Grace, to Mr. Secretarie

From the D. of Norfolk's Book of Entries.

I HAVE receved your Lettres of the 28th of January, by the whiche I perceive that the Quene's Majestie thinketh, that if the Newtrals of the Marches and Louthyan in Scotland, wold shewe themselfs oppen Ennemyes to the Frenche there shuld neede no oppen Hostylytie from Ingland; and that to compasse thes of the seid Newtralls, ther shuld be sum Practise and Conforte mynystredd unto them by me, whiche might muche Proffitt. For aunswer whereof, I have thought good to signyfie unto you, that as by my Letter of the 26th of January I did advertise you that the Hunes and Carres of the Marshe and Tyvydale, being a great Parte of the seid Newtrals, did then, uppon sum Apparance and Demonstracion of our Aide to be given to the Protestants, seeke sum Appointment at our Handes, and for that Purposse a Daie of Conference and Meting was appointed betwixt them and Sir James Croffts: So have I nowe presently recceived this Lettre hereincolsed from the seid Sir James, by the whiche it shall appere unto you, what Communycation hath passed betwext hym and the Lod Hume, (who is the Hedd and Chieff of the seid Newtrals in the Marshe,) howe he holdeth off, and howe loothe he is to com to any good Pointe. Wherefore to tell you myn Opynyon, I beleve that if any Thinge make them shewe themselfs open Ennemyes to the Frenche, it must be our open Hostylytie agenste the Frenche; wythout the plain Shewe and Manyfestacion whereof, and till they shall perfectly see the Entrye of our Aide, they will suerly sett still as they have donn hitherto. And percase if they shall not see any Stay or Alteracion on our Parte, it may be a Meane to cause them revolt and take plaine Part with the Frenche; whiche were not expendient for us. For albeit, greate Practise hath ben used with the seid Newtrals, both by the Protestants, and also partly by us, yet wold they never be induced to shewe themselfs to the Frenche; and therfore I thinke, ther is no waye to bringe them to yt, but our open Aide; which I differ to better Judgment. Also I looke nowe daylye, when the Lords of Scotland woll appoint me a Tyme to receive their Pledgs; and like wise when som of them woll repayre to conferre with me, for the Accomplisshement of that hath ben promysed them, touching the Expedytion of thentended Journey, to Leighe. It is nowe then necessarie that you do furthwith resolve ther, what shalbe donn in this behalf; whereof I would gladly be advertised with suche speede, as the Importaunce of the Matter requyrethe; or else I must neds proceede with them according to my former Instructions. Fynally, I doubt not but you do consider, what Chardge the Quene's Majestie susteyneth here at this present: For besides the Garrison of Barwicke, the hoole Nombre of four thousand, levyed and appointed for the said Journeye, is arrived here, a grete Parte whereof have ben here sins Christmasse; so that sum of them have alredy consumed six Weeks, and sum two Monethes Wages. And yesterdaie, and this Daie, many of the Horsemen are also arrived, made out of sundry Shires of the Realme, and, as we hier, are dayly commyng hither, so as the Chardge still increaseth, and shortely woll consume the Treasure without any Frute of Service, if you do not make out of Hand a certain Resolution of the Premisses; wherof I have thought it my Dewtie to advertise you for my Discharge.


I perceive by Lettres whiche I have received from my Lords of the Counsaile, that they wold I shuld relieve Mr. Winter with Money, which I woll not faile to doo, as his Necessytie shall requyre the same; trusting neverthelesse, that you woll consider, that it was no Part of the Appointment taken with me, at my comynge from the Court.

Tho. Norffolk.