STAC 5/S37/28r

From Waalt

Les reportes del cases in Camera Stellata, 1593 to 1609 from the original ms. of John Hawarde edited by William Paley Baildon Published 1894 Page 63

In Camera Stellata coram consilio ibidem, 15 Octobris, termino Michaelis, Elizab. 38, die veneris. Anno Domini, 1596.

Snelle and Hargrave, plaintiffs, against Bodie, an informer in the Exchequer, and others, for perjury and subornation, and misdemeanour in Body as informer; Smithes, two of the defendants, were acquitted of perjury and subornation of perjury, and therefore dismissed; but Body and the other defendant were referred to common law, to have trial at the Assizes; and Bodie, the informer, was condemned by all, and his misdemeanour as informer and abuser of the laws was judged a good and apt matter to be sentenced in this Court. But for default of good proof and orderly proceedings by the Counsellors (who were gravely reprehended for their negligence), the last two were referred to common law.

In this cause it was delivered as an order of the Court that if there are divers defendants and for several offences, if subpoena ad audiendum judicium be served on any of them, and on one of them only, it is sufficient, although there are three or four defendants or more, and their offences are several and diverse. To which the Lord Keeper answered that if it was the order of the Court, it ought to be observed, but if it was not, he would not admit or make any such order, because of the mischief and inconvenience that would ensue thereon.

see STAC Snell