CP 153, 31

From Waalt

CP Volume 153 Folio 31

HMC Volume 1 Page 247 Number 774

Haynes Page 353 Number 353

Transcribed by Samuel Haynes in “A Collection of State Papers . . . 1542 to 1570” London, 1740

6 July 1560 Mr. Secretary Cecill to Sir William Petre

Copie of the Article.


BY our commen Lettres to the Queen's Majesty, ye shall perceave our Estate here. I pary yow lett hir Majesty's Plesure be knowen for the pardon of Georg Paris of Ireland, who was here interteyned in houshold with the old Quene, as an Instrument to trooble Ireland. He left hir three Weks before his dethe, and yelded himself to the Lord Grey. He seemeth to be sorry for his former Doings, and requireth pardon, and offreth to doo many Thyngs in Ireland for getyng therof, and for recovery of many evill Men. I dare not promise much. I thynk if he wer proved with my Lord Lieuntenent, it wer not amiss. He hath lost his Interteynment by leaving the Quene here, who also was much offended with hym. I have putt hym in comefort both of pardon, and releffe of some Pension, to make a Prooffe of hym; now that Peace is gotten, he may be used in Ireland with less Danger. I besech yow, if he shall have his Pardon, lett it be sent with spede. His Name is George Pariss Gentillman: He hath had two granted before tyme, and sent hither; but the one never came to hym, the other was taken from hym by the Quene here. God send us now Peace in Mynd, by unite of good Will, and uniformyte in honoryng of God.

BY the Queen's Majesty's Letters the 24th of June, it was signifyed that two thousand Soldiors shuld remayne at Barwyk, beside the old Ordynary Garrison. I take it, that it is ment, beside the new Ordynary, which is two thousand, that there shuld be other two thousand, for that the old Ordynary is not six hundred and twenty: And untill I here the contrary, I meane to staye at Barwyk four thousand Men, untill be satled, for one Months space. I am afrayed that the lack of four thousand or five thousand Pounds here at Barwyk, will staye more Soldyors than were convenient. I have not yet spoken with the Tresoror, who is at Barwyck, but I will use herin all the Pollecy that I can.

To the Right Honorable Sir William Peter Knight, Chaunceber of the Order, and of the Queene's Majesty's Privie-Consalye.

Hora 9a Noct. 6 July. The Peace cold not be proclaymed this Night: But we have made an abstinence for this Night, untill to Morrow at seven of the Clock; and then by accord the Peace shalbe proclamed on all Parts: God gyve it good roote. I praye yow signify to those to whom I have sent these Lettres apart, that it is not proclamed this Night. W. Cecill.

Mr. Secretary Cecill and Mr. Wotton to the Quenes Majestie. IT may please your Majestie, yesterdaye the Peace was here proclaymed, first in the Towne of Lethe, in the Presence of certain Gentlemen of England, and and nexte in the Campe, in the Presence of certain of the Frenche: It seemith surely very wellcom to all Parts. This Daye the Artillery on both Sides is in withdrawing to Places, from whence it shall be caryed to morrowe to be imbarqued; and we heerin employe our selves to make all the haste than can be possible. As yet we cannot certainly understande the State of the Towne, otherwise than thus: The Nombre appeere to be many, and those which be seene, are, for all theyr scarcety of Victuell, very well lyking, all very well armed. The French demaunded yesterday Shipping for four thousand Persons, and we thinke they be not under three thousand Soldiers, which, in all Mens Judgement, had bene able to have incountred 2 greate Nomber; and, yf they had stand to it, shulde have bene the Occasion of the shedding of a greate deale of Blud, whiche is now well saved. As for the Substance of our accorde, your Majestie shall please to understande, that, yt consisteth in these Poynts. Fyrst, A Reconciliation made, and the Treaty of Casteau in Cambresey reduced to his former Strength. Next, all the Men of Warre to be removed, saving sixty in the Ile heere, which in deede servith to no Purpose, and so the Frenche do see and confesse; and sixty in Dombarre, whose new Fortification shall be also, before your Army departe out of Scotlande, demolished. This Toune of Lethe shall allso be fully demolished. Item, All hostile Preparation shall ceasse on bothe Parts, and no Ship shall be transported with Men of Warre, or any warly Apparell, out of France, or any other Place, by consent of the Frenche, into Englande, Scotland, or Ireland; nor any from England or Ireland into France. Item, Aymouthe shalbe also better demolished, before your Majestie's Army com to Barwicke. Next to this, your Majestie's undoubted right to the Croune of Englande and Irtlande, is fully confessed and acknowledged, with a certain Declaration, that no Person may use the Stile or Armes therof but your Majestie onely: And therupon followith the Parte for the Redresse and Reformation of all Things, any wise don to the contrary, both in France and Scotland And where we persisted in demande of Calles, and five hundred thousand Crounes for a Recompence, the same, as touching the Recompence, is referred to a new Treaty to be had betwexte us at London: And yf it be not ended by us within three Monethes, then it is referred to King Phillip for a twelvemonethe; and yf he end it not, your Right and Demaunde for the Recompence is reserved to your Majestie. Next this, followithe the Covenant to your Majestie, for observing of the Treaty now accorded betwexte the Frenche and the Scotts; which Article was as hardly obteyned as any; and next to yt, the Recognition of your Majestie's Right to the Croune. After this, dothe follow ordynary Articles for Observation and Confyrmation of this Treaty. And this is the Somme of our Treaty, which with the Accorde of Scotlande, hathe spent us sixteen Dayes, that is from the 16th of June to the thirde of July; and of that Tyme three Parts hathe bene spent in according, of the Matters of Scotland. As to the Accords of Scotland, these be the principall Heads therof: Imprimis, The Frenche shall not sende any Frenche Soldiour or of other Nation into Scotlande, except this Realme shall be invaded by an Army of a strange Countrey; and yet in that Case, the Frenche shall send none but by the Advise of the three Estates. Item, All Souldiours shall departe hence, saving a hundred and twenty, wherof sixty shalbe in the Isle, and sixty in Dombarre, which Nombers shalbe mustred and payde by the Lords of Scotlande; and those Soldiours shalbe justifiable by the Laws of Scotland, whereunto the French Men of Warre heere wear never at any Tyme Subiecte. They shall take no Victuell but for ready Monny. They shall not receave any Succour out of France of Victuels or Munition for the sayd hundred and twenty Men, but from six Monethes to six Monethes; with divers other Articles, to bridle them, in sorte as heerby is no doubte to be feared by them. And, saving that the Frenche King's Honour is somwhat relevid herby, we see by likelyhoode that these will be diminished, and the Charge therof will be abredged, and the Isle abandoned, and Dombarre committed to som Lord of this Lande. Item, The Frenche shall not fortifye any thing in this Lande but by Advise of the three Estates. Item, The whole Debts due to the Subjects heere for Victuells, taken thes two Yeres by d'Oysell and others to the Use of the Frenche, shalbe payde. Item, The Parlement shall begin the 10th of this Moneth, and shall be prorogued till the 20th, because the Land cannot be well cleared of all Men of Warre before that Tyme. Item, The King or Quene shall never make Warre nor Peace here, without the Consent of the three Estats. Item, For governance of the Policy of this Realme, the three Estates shall choose twenty four, of the whiche the Queene shall coose seven, and the Estats five, to make a Counsell of twelve; without the greater of whiche Nomber nothing shall be done for the Pollicy. And yf the Estats shall fynde yt needefull to make the Nombre fourteen, then the Queene shall choose eight, and the Estats six. The Charges of this Counsell shalbe maynteyned by the Revenue of this Croune. Item, For the ordynary Offices of the Realme, eyther for Justice, Civil or Criminall, or Chancellor, Tresorer, Comptroller and such like, shalbe furnished only with Subjects of the Land; neither shall the Office of Treasorer, or Comptroller, being now voyde, be disposed upon any Ecclesiasticall Parson. Suche is the Hap of this Clergye to be trusted. Item, All Things don heere against the Lawes shall be discharged, and a Lawe of Oblyvion shall be established in this Parlement, excepting only such as the Estats here shall judge unworthy of this Privilege. Item, The three Estates shall order, that whosoever levyeth any Force contrary to the Order of the Countrey, or without the Consent of the Counsell of the Lande, the same shall be pursewed as a Rebell, so as the King and Queene shall not neede to send any strange Force to subdue the same. Item, There shall be a general Reconciliation of Amitie amongst all the States of the Lande, without reprofe of any one to be gyven to the other. Item, The King and Queene shall never pursue, nor make any avendge for any thing now paste; nether shall they depose any Person from any Office or Estate, for any thing done since the 6th of Marche 1558; with many comfortable Words on the King's and Queen's behalfe to the Subiects; and a Provision that the Lords and Subiects shall render theyr Obedience as natural Subiects of this Croune ought to doo. Item, A Covenant on the Lord's Parts to keepe the Realme in Tranquilitie. Item, All the Complaints of the deprived Clergie shall be harde in this next Parlement, and Reformation shalbe made by the three Estates, which we think will be light ynoughe. In the meane Tyme the Ecclesiasticall Persons shall not be empeched to inioye theyr Goods. In the End, a Graunte of Restitution to the Duke of Chastellerault, and his Sonne, and all others of this Lande, of all their Estats and Pensions in France: With which Article we fynde more Parte of the Lords here offended, in so muche as they doo amongst themselves devise how to accorde that no Scottish Man shall take Pension of France. And the Erle of Glencarne, the Lord James and Mr. Maxwell, who hathe Pension, is as earnest heerin as any other: Suche hurte they feare may com by that Meanes. Thus have we breefly repeted the Substance of Things passed and accorded; the better Declaration wherof, we shall make to your Majestie at our returne to the same; beseching the same most humbly to permit the Want that shall appeere in our poore and simple Understandings, to be recompenced with the Aboundance and Riches of our good Wills; and so shall we, as our moste bounden Dueties be, returne with our Prayers in Comforte to see your Majestie inioye the Benefit of this Peace, which, being, as we for our Capacities can conceave, well pondered, and conferred with this Tyme, shall be no small augmentacion to your Majestie's Honour, in this begynning of your Raigne, and as yet in your Maydenhoode; and fynally shall procure that Conquest of this Lande, that none of your Progenitours with all theyr Battles ever obtaynid, that is, in a Manner, the whole Harts and good Willes of the Nobilitie and People of this Land; whiche surely is better for England, as we gesse, than the Revenue of this Croune. Where, amongst other Articles in this Treaty, it is accorded that all Preparations shall ceasse, as by the Copie of the same Article, heere included shall better appeere, we have accorded that these Ambassadors here shall signifie the same to the Ambassador there Resident, who shall attende to agree with your Majestie or your Counsell, in what sorte, and within what Tyme the same Preparations shall ceasse. This we doo expedite with the more speede, because we know not in what forwardnes the French Navye is in, neyther what shall seeme meete to your Majestie to forsee in this behalfe: And therfore we neyther wolde, nor well coulde, accorde with these Men by what Tyme both the Navies should be disarmid, but have thought best to refer the Determination therof to your Majestie there, with Accorde of the Frenche Ambassadour there. And so we beseche God to preserve your Majestie to raigne long in Peace. From Edenboroughe the 8th of July. Your Majestys most bumble and obedient Subjects and Servants,

W. Cecill, N. Wotton.

Et similiter conventum, concordatum & conclusum est, quod omenes apparatus bellici, videlicet in Anglia & Hibernia adversus Francos vel Scotos, & in Gallia adversus Anglos, Hibernos, vel Scotos, deinceps omnino cessabunt, ita ut nulla navis milite, instrumento, aut apparatu bellico onusta ex Anglia vel Hibernia aut alio loco quocunque, ex consensu dictæ Reginæ Elizabeth in Franciam seu Scotiam; aut ex Gallia aut alio loco quocunque ex consensu dicti Regis & Reginæ Mariæ in Angliam Hiberniam aut Scotiam traijciat.