CP 138, 25a

From Waalt

CP Vol 138 f.25

HMC Vol 1 p 194 No 641

Haynes Page 265 Number 247

Transcribed by Samuel Haynes in “A Collection of State Papers . . . 1542 to 1570” London, 1740

19 March 1559 From my Lord his Grace, and the reste of the Counsaile here to Mr. Secretarie

From the Duke of Norfolk's Book of Entries.

Mr. Secretarye,

AFTER my veraie hartie Commendacions. Lyke as I did advertise you, that I wrote to the Duke of Chastellerault to signyfie unto hym amongst other Things, what reporte the Frenche Embassador, nowe Resident at London, made of hym, touching his Submyssion to the French Kinge; so nowe he hath wryten agen to me, and also sente Tho. Randall hither with Credence, to make his Purgation in that behalf. And to the Intente, you may the better understand the same, I send you herwith his Lettres; and also have caused Thomas Randall to comytt his Credence to wrytinge, whiche ye shall lykewise receive herwith: And so have I thought good to retorne Randall to the seid Duke, whom I have presently depeched. The seid Randall hathe gotten in Scotland the Copye the Begynning and Endinge of a Patent graunted when he was King and Dolphin; whiche Copye I send you herwith, to Thintent ye may the better perceive, howe they use the Tytle and Armes of England and Irelande: And Randall telleth me that he sawe and hadd in his Hands, the orygynall Patent in Scotland. He hath shewed me also, that the said Duke, and the rest of the Lords of that Partie, do make all the Preparations they cann, to com to the Fild at the Day appointed, which I have defferred, as I wrote unto you. He sayeth, that the Erle of Huntley, being, as you have harde, nowe joyned with them, prepareth also to com to the Fild; and that their Partie and Power dayly increaseth, and do much rejoyce to ioyne with the Englishmen for expulsion of the Frenche out of Scotland, Yesterday I was advertised that eight Ensignes of the Frenche departed on Friday last our of Edinborghe and Leighe towards Sterlinge; for what purposse I knowe hot: But conferring with the said Randall therof, he sheweth me, that the seid Duke was advertised, a seven Night passed, that the Frenche wold repayre Westewarde from Edinborgh; wherupon the Duke sent certein of his Servants towards Edinborgh, to bringe hym certein Knowledge of the Trewth; and at the commynge of the seid Randall from Glasko hitherwards, whiche was on Fryday last, at one of the Clocke at Afternoon, non of them were retorned, so that then the Duke had no certainty hereof. He sheweth me also that the Erle of Arraine and the Lord James intended to levie a Power, sodenly to distress the four Ensignes of Frenche whiche remeyne in Sterling; for whiche Purposse they desyred of Mr. Winter the Aide of five hundred Harquebultiers, so, as it is to be supposed, that the Frenche, having gotten Intelligence and Knowledge thereof, do therfore send the eight Ensignes from Edinborgh and Leighe, eyther to reinforce them at Sterlinge, and to kepe the Towne and Passage ther; or else to retyre and withdrawe them altogither from thens to Leighe with the more saftie. As I shall hier the Certeintye of their Procedins, I wolf not faile to advertise you, with suche speede, as the Caase shall requyre. And so, &c.

Tho. Norffolk, W. Gray, Sadler, G. Howard.