Research Reports
CO2 Pipelines Explained
Efforts to reduce carbon dioxide (CO₂) in the atmosphere have led governments and industry to begin to adopt a wide range of approaches to the issue. Regardless of whether captured from industrial emissions sources or directly from the air (or the ocean), the CO₂ must be used for some productive purpose or sequestered underground. Technologies capable of capturing, and using or sequestering CO₂ exist, making the ability to transport it from the point of capture to the point of use or sequestration a critical component. There are a range of approaches to solving this transportation issue, but the use of dedicated pipelines is one of the most common.
Carbon Management Report 2020
Between October 15 and 22, 2020, the Hobby School of Public Affairs and UH Energy conducted a survey of 1,500 respondents to assess public opinion towards climate change, support for polices aimed at curbing carbon emissions, and the public’s willingness to pay for decarbonized electricity, gas, and fuel.
Climate Change and Carbon Management: Has the US Transcended Partisanship?
As scientific evidence quantified the increased rate of climate change in the last 50 years, this poignant topic pushed to the forefront of political policy and subsequently emerged as a source of partisan dissent in the U.S. Original questions pertaining to the validity of climate change are no longer under scrutiny, but instead transitioned to what can be done to mitigate climate change.