Research Projects

IV-E Research Projects

Research/Evaluation Instruments



The Institute for the Advancement of Social Work Research (IASWR) has just released Factors Influencing Retention of Child Welfare Staff: A Systematic Review of Research. The study, undertaken in collaboration with the University of Maryland School of Social Work, examined 154 reports and studies that addressed personal and organizational conditions and strategies, i.e. Title IV-E educational partnerships, that impact retention. The full report and executive summary are available. The project also developed three issue briefs. IASWR Research Brief 1 Retaining Competent Child Welfare Workers: Lessons from Research provides an overview of the 25 studies included in the review and the conclusions drawn from that. IASWR Research Brief 2 Professional Education for Child Welfare Practice: Improving Retention in Public Child Welfare Agencies details the findings and implications of the seven studies that specifically looked at the impact of Title IV-E educational partnerships on retention in child welfare. IASWR Research Brief 3 Understanding Retention in Child Welfare: Suggestions for Further Research and Evaluation provides specific recommendations and guidance for future research studies on recruitment and retention.