UH Space Physics Data Base
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Past Campaigns1978-79 Siple Rocket Campaign1980-81 Siple Balloon-Rocket CampaignSeveral types of rockets and high-altitude balloons were launched during the period December 1, 1980, to January 14, 1981, from Siple Station, Antarctica (60 45' S, 8 9' W geomagnetic; 75 56' S,84 15' W geographic). The purposes of this campaign were to perform simultaneous multiplatform studies of the wave-particle interactions produced by operation of the Siple VLF transmitter, to measure the electric field and bremsstrahlung X ray flux, and to study various aspects of the dynamics of the plasmapause region. There were seven rockets launched during the campaign (3 Nike-Tomahawks and 4 Super-Arcases) and 11 balloon payloads. The ground-based Siple station instruments included a fluxgate magnetometer, a search-coil magnetometer, a VLF transmitter, VLF broadband receiver and a 30 MHz riometer. 3 Nike-Tomahawk (N-T) and 4 SuperAcras rocket flights were launched during this campaign. The N-T payload Project Scientist and Project Scientist for entire campaign was David Matthews from the University of Maryland The objectives of these payloads were to investigate energetic particle preciptation produced by natural and artificial wave particle interactions in the region between 90 and 190 km. The N-T vehicles had two electron detectors, an electrostatic analyzer for the energy range 0.1-16 keV and a solid-state detector for higher energies. The N-T payloads also carried a complement of vector ac and dc electric and magnetic field detectors. All three of the N-T flights were accompanied by SuperArcas rockets. The launches were conducted at on December 12, 1980 at 1720 UT; on December 20, 1980 at 1733 UT; and January 10, 1981 at 1822 UT The balloon payloads carried several detectors. All of the balloon payloads carried an X ray detector. The balloon X ray detector consisted of an uncollimated 7.6 cm-diameter thallium-activated sodium iodide scintillation counter. An electric field detector was flown on five of the twelve flights. It consisted of two orthogonal pairs of electric field probes in the horizontal plane, one probe suspended vertically below the payload and an electronics unit to measure the potential difference between the probes.The horizontal probes were either square plates measuring 30 cm on a side, or hollow spheres measuring 30 cm in diameter. The vertical probe was a 30 cm x 30 cm square plate. Each probe was mounted on a 2.5 m insulating phenolic boom.The probes were made of aluminum and coated with a colloidal carbon suspension called Aquadag. The balloon payload was connected to the balloon through a rotator by about 50 m of woven ropes. The rotator was used to spin the payload at a nominal rate of 4 rpm. Attached to the payload body were 4 Aquadag-coated aluminum plates used as a reference ground.Three of the five electric field flights (Flights 3, 5 and 7) were successful and obtained 57.5 hour-worth data. An intense magnetic storm occurred during Flight 5. This storm is known to be one of 5 strongest storms measured in the spacecraft era.
Balloon Flight Table
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1985-86 South Pole Balloon CampaignA balloon campaign occurred during the 1985-86 austral summer comprising the flight of eight stratospheric balloon payloads from Amundsen-Scott Station, South Pole, Antarctica. The campaign was a collaboration between the UH Space Physics Group and the University of Maryland. The primary experimental tools used in this balloon program were unmanned stratospheric balloon payloads. The balloons used were helium-filled and had a volume of 5100 m. The payloads had a mass of 24.5 kg, giving a nominal float altitude of 32 km. The payloads were instrumented with three-axis, double probe field detectors and X-ray scintillation counters. Secondary instrumentation on-board measured the stratospheric conductivity, the ambient temperature and pressure. Three of the payloads also included tone-ranging transceivers. Equally essential to the program were the ground based data from the South Pole Station Cusp Lab, the Iqaluit conjugate observatory, the Goose Bay HF radar, the Søndrestrøm radar, and satellite data from the DMSP, DE and IMP-8 spacecraft. In the month starting on 16 December, 1985 and ending 16 January, 1986, 8 successful balloon flights were conducted, ranging in duration from 6 h to 103 h. A total of 468 h 30 min of data were obtained under a wide range of geophysical conditions. Periods of particular interest include 19 December, 1985, 30 December, 1985, 2-3 January, 1986, and 7-8 January, 1986.
Flight Table
Selected ReferencesThere have been more than 100 papers published that have used the data from this campaign. A few are listed below. A more complete list is available in E.A. Bering's curriculum vitae.
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Polar Patrol Balloon Campaigns
Since 1984, the National Institute of Polar Research and the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science of Japan have studied the feasibility of a long-term circumpolar balloon experiment, called the Polar Patrol Balloon (PPB) project. This project aimed at establishing a PPB system to bring scientific payloads into the stratosphere over the Antarctic region. Three test flights in 1987 and 1990 at Syowa Station convinced the project team that the PPB would have a good chance of coming back to the launching area, provided that we utilize the advantage of having no sunset during the summer over Antarctica. Six PPB experiments were carried out in 1990 to 1993 as an Antarctic STEP project. PPB #1 accomplished a complete circumpolar flight over Antarctica. The second flight (#2) was launched on January 5, 1991 to make measurements of auroral X-rays, magnetic and electric fields. The electric field experiment was provided by the University of Houston Space Physics Group. The third flight (#3) was carried out on September 23-28, 1991 when the Antarctic ozone hole was well developed, in order to investigate the chemical source and sink of ozone. PPB#4 and #5, with payloads of vector magnetic and electric fields and auroral X-rays, were launched on December 26 and 30, 1992, respectively. PPB #6 aimed at studying the elemental and isotopic composition of galactic cosmic rays, solar energetic particles and cosmic gamma ray bursts, and was launched on January 5, 1993. The Polar Patrol Balloon Project performed long duration circumpolar balloon experiments over Antarctica using zero pressure balloons with an auto-ballast control. With the advantage of no sunset during the summer in Antarctica, a long duration flight over a few weeks is possible using a long duration balloon. Two PPB experiments with scientific instruments: a proton magnetometer, a dc electric field double probe and an X-ray detector were subsequently carried out during the austral summer of 1990 to 1991, as one of the STEP projects in Japanese Antarctic research work. The PPB #2 flight, was launched on January 5, 1991 with scientific payloads for auroral X-rays, magnetic and electric fields. Though this balloon did not complete a circumpolar trajectory, it also floated for a long period, approximately one month. In the second series of STEP PPB experiments, three flights (PPB #4, #5, and #6) were carried out in 1992 to 1993. PPB #4 and #5 were launched a few days apart (see Table), with a tri-axial fluxgate magnetometer, proton magnetometer, 3-axis double probes and X-rays in the region of the auroral zone, the polar cap, the polar cleft/cusp and the geomagnetic south pole. We obtained different patterns of ionospheric convection velocity vectors deduced by the electric field detectors aboard PPB #2, #4, and #5, over the entire magnetic local time at high latitude. The data are being used to study the dependence on the interplanetary conditions and balloon location. A third series of PPB experiments (PPB #7, #8, #9, and #10) were carried out in 2002 to 2003. National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR) conducted these long-duration balloon experiments in Antarctica from the end of December 2002 to late January 2003, in collaborations with the Balloon Engineering Division, Institute of Space and Astronautical Sciences, and other scientists from Universities, including the University of Houston We named this experiment the "Polar Patrol Balloon" (PPB). 4 balloons were be launched; one for astrophysical observation, and 3 for geophysical observation. The balloon was 50,000~100,000 cubic meters in volume, and the payload weight was 400~500 kg, including ballast. The balloons went around the Antarctica at 69 S in 14 days from east to west, or counter clockwise. Altitude of the balloons was 32-35 km, maintained by auto ballast control. Power consumption of the balloon system was 70W, and it was supplied by solar cells. Observed data was directly transferred to Japan by Iridium satellite telephones, as well as telemetered to the ground at Rothera and Zhongshan Stations in Antarctica, in collaboration with UK and Chinese Antarctic Research Expeditions. Three balloons with identical instrumentation were be launched from Syowa Station successively with longitudinal separation of about 300 km (0.5 hour in MLT). Trajectory of these balloons
traversed the magnetic latitude range of 60-80 degrees, crossing various boundary regions in the magnetosphere such as plasma pause, LLBL, PSBL and the cusp. The formation flight of these balloons
should enable us to separate spatial and temporal variations of the phenomena
that occurred in these boundary regions. Onboard instruments
Flight Table
Selected ReferencesPublication of the results from the 2003 campaign is just beginning.
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Global Circuit StudiesOne aspect of these related projects involves making the nearly three decades of Antarctic atmospheric electricity data available to more workers. Measurements of the vertical electric field and air-earth current density made at the Earth's surface in Antarctica have recently been shown to be of considerable interest to scientists interested in monitoring short-term Sun-Earth connections and long term climate change. Such measurements have been made off and on for more than three decades, primarily at Vostok and South Pole stations. There is no single place where all of these data can be obtained via the Internet in a contemporary format. The work proposed here will attempt to remedy this deficiency as much as possible. Data we know to be presently available include data from South Pole, 1982-86 and 1991-1993, and Vostok station, 1997-present. Data were taken at South Pole and Vostok in the 60's and 70's, but these may prove difficult to obtain in digital form. At present, only the University of Houston's 1991-1993 data are available on the Web. Unfortunately, they are stored on a server slated for retirement. Also, they are written VAX binary floating point, using the UCLA/Stanford/Michigan flatfile format, which is obscure to some users. We are in the midst of combining and reformating the three available data sets plus any others we can obtain onto a newer server. We will use three formats, NetCDF, ASCII, and the PC version (IEEE floating point) of FLATDBMS. Archival copies will be burned onto CD media. Finally we will register these data with the appropriate NASA data systems. Atmospheric Electricity at South Pole StationWe have constructed instruments to measure the atmospheric conduction current and the atmospheric electric field: two fundamental parameters of the global-electric circuit. The instruments were deployed at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station in January 1991 and are designed to operate continuously for up to one year without operator intervention. The atmospheric current is measured by a sensor that uses a split-hemispheric conducting shell of 17.8-cm radius, separated by a thin Teflon insulating disk. The detection electronics are inside the sphere. In principle, the atmospheric current flows into one hemisphere, through the electronics where it is measured, and out the other hemisphere. The electric field is measured by a field mill of the rotating dipole type. The electric field sensing elements are two 30-cm-long antennas, driven to rotate in the vertical plane at 1800 rotations per minute. Two arrays of identical instruments have been deployed, separated by 600 m, in order to distinguish between atmospheric electrical signals of local and global origin. The separation distance of the arrays was determined by the climatology of the Antarctic plateau. Sample data from the first days of operation at the South Pole indicate variations in the global circuit over time scales from minutes, to hours, to days. Data presently available in the archive comprises most of 1991 and 1993, along with December, 1992. Atmospheric Electricity at Vostok StationAn electric field mill similar to those operated at South Pole was installed at Vostok Station in 1997. A comparable Air Earth Current meter was built in 2002 and will be operational starting in January 2004. High, dry regions with no thunderstorms, such as the Antarctic plateau, are ideal for monitoring the global geoelectric circuit. Additional solar influences on the geoelectric field occur at high latitudes, via the same processes that generate the aurora. In conjunction with Russian and Australian colleagues, we presently measure the geoelectric field at the Russian station, Vostok, on the Antarctic plateau. We have shown that solar variability can influence the geoelectric field measured at ground level in polar regions, and are continuing to develop research instrumentation and methods of testing the viability of a solar variability influence on weather and climate through modulation of the geoelectric circuit. The data from these instruments will be incorporated in the new global circuit data base mentioned above. Related Links
Selected References
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1999 Sprites Balloon CampaignThe possibility that visible light emissions can occur in the mesosphere and ionosphere above thunderstorms has been the subject of speculation and rumor for many years. The development of fast low-light level video recording technology has revolutionized this field of study. Exciting new observations have confirmed the existence of such emissions, which have become known as red sprites, blues jets, elves, and anomalous optical events (AOE's). These observations have generated an enormous amount of interest in these emissions and have raised several important scientific and technical questions. These questions include the following: (1.) How are the emissions excited? In particular, what is the nature of the electromagnetic fields involved in the excitation process? (2.) How much dc electric current, if any, do sprites, jets, elves and AOE's deliver to the ionosphere? (3.) What produces the differences between the three types of event? (4.) Are the reported atmospheric gamma ray bursts associated with sprites? (4.1) If so, are the causative energetic electrons locally accelerated or are they precipitated trapped radiation belt particles? (5.) What is the effect of electric fields radiated by lightning strokes and sprites on the ionosphere? A range of effects have been suggested that include optical emissions that are distinctly different from sprites, heating, density enhancements, electron acceleration and gamma ray emission. (6.)What is the role of sprites, jets, elves and AOE's in the excitation of the global circuit? (7.)Which of the rapidly proliferating set of models of these events are correct? This project built a set of balloon and airborne experiments that can make a contribution to answering these questions. The balloon payloads carried three axis broad band electric field and magnetic field detectors with sufficient dynamic range and bandwidth to resolve the expected sprite excitation field and to distinguish between ac and dc excitation mechanisms. A gamma ray spectrometer consisting of a scintillation counter and a pulse height analyzer was also flown. These payloads were flown during the summer of 1999, in conjunction with the continuing activities of other investigators. FLIGHT TABLE
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Ozone StudiesIn recent years, the group has conducted a variety of in situ ozone observations using mostly balloons (and one rocket). Much of this work has been conducted in collaboration with Dr. Aimedieu and the CNES in the South of France. Contrary to rumor, the objectives of the work have not included monitoring the depths of the ozone hole above the beaches of the Riviera.The projects have involved flight of a dual beam absorbtion photometer in conjection with a number of other comparison instruments. This package has also been flown in winter from an Arctic launch site in an effort to probe the possible development of an Arctic ozone hole. A related instrument has been developed in recent years for use on a sounding rocket.
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Rocket CampaignsINDEX ProgramThe INdependently DEployed X ray package was a mainstay of our program for many years. Launched by a Super-Arcas rocket, these small parachute deployed payloads provided up to 45 minutes of auroral X ray precipitation data from an essentially fixed location. More than 25 of these rockets were launched during the period from 1970 to 1983. The payload measured X-r ay counting rate in 4 integral and 16 differential energy channels from 5 keV to 150 keV photon energy. It was deployed on a parachute at ~82km altitude and returned about 40 minutes of useful data per flight.
Selected References
Terrier-Malemute 13.007This rocket was launched at 0813 UT on March 8, 1978. It carried a variety of particle and field experiments. It has been termed the first sounding rocket to traverse an entire "inverted-V"Selected References
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Balloon CampaignsRobervalWe have conducted several balloon campaigns during the 1970's aimed at understanding wave-particle precipitation on the Siple- Roberval field line.
Selected References
PalestineWe have a number of balloon flights from the NSBF in Palestine, Texas for the purposes of prototype payload testing and investigating the electrodynamic coupling between thunderstorms and the magnetosphere.
Selected References
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Data Base DescriptionThe format used to store all of the electric field and most of the other types of data that we have made available to the community is the Stanford/Michigan version of the UCLA flatfile system. These files are therefore in native VAX binary with a descriptive ASCII header. The units should all be SI physical units. If not, they will be so noted in the header file. These files were created using the FLATDBMS data base managment utility package described by FLATDBMS, A Flexible, Source Independent Data Management System, Anne Q. Smith and C. Robert Clauer, STAR Lab Report D106-1984-1, Stanford University [1984]. I have asked Bob Clauer if he has posted a description of this package on the web. The answer was no. Hopefully, if enough people send him e-mail, he may do so. Despite its relative obscurity, this format is a version of one of the six formats mentioned as possible "standards" for data posting at the 1993 NASA Space Physics Data System workshop, so we hope that users will be able to cope.
File Naming ConventionThe file naming convention that we use is one that was developed by Bob Innes and Grace Adams at the SSL, UC, Berkeley back in the late '60's. It's preservation is a classic example of the triumph of inertia over common sense. All files are namedABCnnXZY... . * where
Rules of the RoadWe have, of course, posted our data to the Web in the hope and expectation that people will use them. We are not, therefore, going to impose impossible conditions for their use. We have three basic requirements that are common to all data bases. First, please show us what you have done with our data prior to journal submission. We ask this in order to avoid the proliferation of papers about bad data intervals. Second, please acknowledge your source. Third, we have a nice list of Grant numbers for your acknowledgements section. Please ask. Data from the PPB and Sprites projects are still in the early stages of publication by our group. You are still welcome to use these data. However, we do still regard these data as proprietary. Thus, we require that you offer us and the other team members co-authorship of any paper that uses these data.
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List of Data File FTP LinksWe have not yet had time to enter the several hundred file names in the form of links. We probably will have to write a FORTRAN routine to do it automatically, which may never happen. The place to start is via anonymous ftp from the node shasta.phys.uh.edu. The main directory is [anonymous]. All of the useful data is in sub-directories with fairly obvious descriptive names such as [.ppb] for the Polar Patrol Balloon Campaign data, [.south_pole.85-86_balloon] for the 85-86 South Pole Balloon campaign data, etc. A windows-type ftp client with a visual directory display will probably get you where you need to go pretty fast.
Main DirectoryThe parent directory of our database can be found at http://gc.phys.uh.edu/data/Other_UH_Experiments/.
1999 Sprites Balloon CampaignThe data from the 1999 Sprites Balloon Campaign can be found at http://gc.phys.uh.edu/data/Other_UH_Experiments/SPRITES/.
Polar Patrol Balloon ProgramThe data from the Polar Patrol Balloon Program can be found at http://gc.phys.uh.edu/data/Other_UH_Experiments/PPB/.
MINIS Balloon ProgramThe data from the MINIS Balloon Program can be found at http://gc.phys.uh.edu/data/Other_UH_Experiments/MINIS/.
Siple Balloon-Rocket CampaignThe directory which contains these data in a local VAX binary format is http://gc.phys.uh.edu/data/Other_UH_Experiments/SIPLE/. FLATDBMS files can be prepared if requestedSouth Pole ProgramsThere is a parent sub-directory for all of our South Pole based programs at http://gc.phys.uh.edu/data/Other_UH_Experiments/SOUTH_POLE/.
1985-86 South Pole Balloon Campaign.The data from the 1985-86 South Pole Balloon Campaign are in http://gc.phys.uh.edu/data/Other_UH_Experiments/SOUTH_POLE/85-86_BALLOON/.
Ground Based Atmospheric Electricity DataThe data from the 1991-1993 atmospheric electricity project at South Pole are in a separate web site of http://globalcircuit.phys.uh.edu/.
Ozone MeasurementsRISOThe data from recent RISO flights can be found in http://gc.phys.uh.edu/data/Other_UH_Experiments/Ozone/. They are not in FLATDBMS form. Please ask Prof. J. R. Benbrook for a roadmap.
At this point, you can go to the Top of the page, the UH Space Physics Group Web Site, my personal Home Page, or the middle of my vita page just after the link to this page. Questions about the data or possible collaborative papers may be addressed to me at <eabering@uh.edu>.
Edgar A. Bering, III , <eabering@uh.edu> |
Copyright 1999, 2004, University of Houston